Friday, February 26, 2010
Check out this blog!
Also, I really agree with it, and am really glad that MEN are realizing this too. It makes me feel better. I am in NO way bashing boys at all. I just think that this man adequately explained a lot of what I know a lot of GIRLS and some women feel. I love my male counterparts, but society makes it okay for this to happen.
Happy reading,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Pin Up Photo Shoot
I have a lot of dreams and things I want to do in life. Things to achieve, see, better myself. My magaizne is one of my biggest dreams, second to having a family and being a mom. I want to spread the idea to be yourself, have confidence and be love.
One of my simple, small dreams has always been to be a pin up girl. I've always wanted to have a 1950s photo shoot or an entire 1950s wardrobe (preferably both). It's my fashion - vintage. I'd love to own all vintage inspired clothing. Simpler time fashionwise...not skanky.
Anyway, Sunday night that dream came true!! My friend Joe got a new Nikon with a backdrop and flash equipment. He wanted to mess around and I wanted to be a pinup. Perfect! We rallied the team together - hair, makeup, director and had a blast!
The prep work was super exciting! Karen made me look so fatastically 1950s pinup. I wish I could do my makeup like that everyday!! Lol. Brit also made my hair gorgeously curly, which is something i always want. I picked out my outfits from the clothes I have which are mostly red. Everyone helped with accessories.
Then we started the shoot with test shots. A ton of them to figure out the flash. All the while I grew more and more nervous! I knew poses and faces but I don't think I was making the right ones!!
Once we started though, I relaxed and started to have fun. We were laughing and enjoying our amateur ways.Tyra would be disappointed...i need to learn to smile with my eyes!
Fantastic for a first photo shoot nevertheless!
enjoy! =]
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Future Goals
On the brightside, I really think my classes are what's helping me fine tune what I want out of the Magazine. I want to create the ideas for it and live and breathe it. I want to be the ultimate warrior queen. A good example.
Some people have been asking a lot about the purpose of my blog or the Magazine. Here it is:
I want the Magazine to join women together in a world where positive self-image is the norm. I want women to follow their dreams and not think they have to abandon them just because they have children. You can have both! You can have fun! You can have anything you put your mind and your actions toward!
"You can't change the world, but you can make a dent," - Sheldon Mopes
I've also been realizing through Psychology of Women that I don't want this just to b e women based. Yet I am one and fall victim to the ease of bonding together as a gender instead of as a human race. Men are not bad. I love them. there it is again, though. "Them" as in us vs them. It's not. We are the human race. Together we can achieve it. Not separately.
Unfortunately, because of the name, the Magazine will probably mostly cater toward women. Maybe I will create a brand for men but I do not think it would last in the competitive world of magazines. There is a void and a need for this among the teen girl category, but most teen boys would not be willing to pick up a magazine like this.
Males are socially bred to show more confidence and it is often not socially acceptable to seek help or self help or to better oneself. Society tells us so. Women can seek help because we are the weaker sex. Clearly, we need the help. Personally, i think that everyone should seek to better oneselves.
My psychology of women class literally pointed out that women magazines focus more on fashion and relationships than confidence and positive living. I have also fallen victim to writing more about love and relationships than career, the world, or health. I know this is because I write of what I'm experiencing. Please don't mistake that the Magazine will be full of relationship stuff. There will be a section, yes, but there will be a majority of other positive things. There will be other contributors, which I have tried for the blog but failed.
Also, importantly to me, I want to stop saying "I hate boys they do this blah blah blah." Instead I want to say "I hate dealing with this drama...I hate when people do this." Because, Its not boys, it's people. We are a lot more similar than people really feel comfortable acknowledging. Take me for example. I took the BEM test (which is a test using characteristics that society says are "male" or female" to determine a gender). IT turns out i'm androgynous. I scored 100 in female and 99 in male. Which makes sense if you know me.
So I'm not really sure where this all is heading, still. But I like where it's going. I like where I'm going. I'm fine tuning all of my WQ qualities. Being positive. Being happy. It's what I want for everyone <3
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
News 2/17
All of my news are political today, and i HAVE been reading the news everyday, just not posting them. Proud of myself =]
Also, I'm in the process of writing a blog about what I want my magazine to focus on with my psych of women class to back it up.
Obama Says Stimulus Bill Saved Troubled Economy
FED: Unemployment will remain high in the next 2 years
Monday, February 15, 2010
Valentine's Day
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Committed Commitment Phobe
3. Theiler: 5 months. I saw him 2 times outside of school...We broke up because I put my friends first...
I want my next-ex-girlfriend, my next-ex-girlfriend
I don’t want the fairy tale and
I don’t want the girl from hell
Don't wanna be your biggest mistake
You can be my next-ex-girlfriend, my next-ex-girlfriend
Saturday, February 13, 2010
News 2/13
Friday, February 12, 2010
News 2/12
Thursday, February 11, 2010
My Top News
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
News for the Day
Monday, February 8, 2010
Let Go
1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests
Now, let's pull the definition from my textbook (Btw I'm taking Psychology of Women. It's going to be so good!)
Feminism: The idea that women's experiences and ideas are valued.
NOW. Save for what I'm pretty sure is just a very LOUD minority, most people believe that women's experiences and ideas are valued. The idea of feminism is not antagonistic toward men. I mean, I love men! Not just romantically, either. There are some very very amazing guy friends out there.
I suppose I fall under the category that every person should be valued. So yes, I'm all about girls making a name for themselves and being whoever they want to be. I want to be a mom, more than probably having my magazine. I want to cook dinner for my future husband, I don't mind cleaning the house. OH MY GOD, how could I go against my feminist ideas?
But I'm not. I'm just expressing the different facets of things that I desire in life.
For the record...there are 3 different types of approaches to feminism (just to educate ya)
1. Liberal feminism (me): someone who wants to reduce gender roles by passing laws that guarantee equal rights for women and men. "Liberal feminists emphasize that gender differences are relatively small; these differences would be even smaller if women had the same opportunities as men"
2. Cultural feminism: there are a certain numbers of positive qualities that are stronger in women, such as nurturing. [[i really find this not true with some women]]. This focuses on gender differences that value women and they often argue that society should be restructured to emphasize cooperation rather than aggression.
3. Radical feminism: the basic cause of woemn's oppression lies deep in the entire sex and gender system rather than in superficial laws and policies. Sexism permeates our society and our society needs to drastically changed.
Out of these three, the "bra burners" are radicals. Clearly. Also though, the bra burnings never happened.
The media (you gotta love the media, even as I strive to work FOR it) has this awesome ability to construe everything that could be good, as bad. Therefore, feminism is bad! Don't like it! Don't be a feminist! We'll take over the world and kill all men and men are horrible horrible creatures.
NO! Enough.
Let's all just be people. Support each other. No more girl cruelty and mind games.
Be. Love.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010