Hey Guys! This is Molly, I’m one of the writers. I have been with the Warrior Queen movement since Raewyn started to form it. The concept surprised me and inspired me then. Now without even realizing it the warrior queen definition runs through my head all day long. The movement is one that definitely builds women up and makes us stronger, more confident, worldly women. So here is my first blog post:
I Statement
I'm wondering if we counted how many “I statements” we said each day what would be the total: the hundreds, thousands, millions...could we even count that high? We live in a world that is so focused on ourselves. We complain about how the world is treating us. Stop complaining and face what is in front of you; handle and deal with it. Why do we complain about things that do not affect us and act like a victim? Like it was inflicted upon us and we are blameless. “My test was so hard” - if we studied harder, it would not have been. We try to remain blameless in situations where we are to blame. “She’s so mean to me.” When it actuality we let them be mean. In addition, we take offense because we feel entitled. We are entitled to nothing. We deserve nothing but receive everything. I am complaining about complainers. Complaining is used to draw attention to one’s self. I need to learn to sit back and enjoy life and everything about it. Trashing another person does nothing but boast. If it’s not hurting us why does it matter that: her mom does her homework or she took modeling photos. We complain so much in this world. I am sick of it and I do it so much. Praise each other for the little accomplishment. In conversations listen to others points of views and wait to add in your two cents. Don’t sit there contemplating what you are going to say next. I am sassy and I noticed it a lot this summer. I saw that almost every statement I said to certain people was almost always sarcastic and nasty. Why? Because I wanted to take out how I felt about my situation on them. Sarcasm is used to bring attention to myself and how witty I am at the expense of someone else. In a world that is trying to change for better; how can we change when we are all so focused on ourselves instead of each other. I am not saying we need a collective society focused on the betterment of the whole; but rather we need to stop trying to make ourselves look better and focus on the world around us.
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