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Thursday, April 26, 2012

New plans and ideas

Hello my little warrior queens, I'm sorry that I've been MIA lately. Graduating college is busy and awesome! Woo! I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you or anything. I have some BIG plans for the blog and making it all a reality. It's just behind the scenes work and we're going to have more clearly defined dimensions. Have any advice or ideas for me? Hit me up: <3 Raewyn

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

sooooooooo I think I figured out the fundraiser issue. Only 4 more weeks of school and then I'm going to fulltime this stuff. Blog posts every day. Strict regimen. I do so well at it when I'm not drowning in homework assignments. Exciting things are coming! So let me know what you want to learn about and know :) p.s. the bracelets are in, almost time to sell them my little WQs.
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