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Monday, November 5, 2012

California Prop Information

  • Increases personal income tax on annual earnings over $250,000 for seven years.
  • Increases sales and use tax by ¼ cent for four years.
  • Allocates temporary tax revenues 89% to K–12 schools and 11% to community colleges.
  • Bars use of funds for administrative costs, but provides local school governing boards discretion to decide, in open meetings and subject to annual audit, how funds are to be spent.
  • Guarantees funding for public safety services realigned from state to local governments.
Supporters include:
The arguments against Proposition 30 in the state's official voter guide were submitted by:
  • Jon Coupal. Coupal is the head of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.
  • Tom Bogetich. Bogetich has retired from the position of executive director of the California State Board of Education.
  • Doug Boyd. Boyd is a member of the Los Angeles County Board of Education.[16]
  • Joel Fox. Fox is the president of the Small Business Action Committee.
  • John Kabateck. Kabateck is the executive director of the California branch of the National Federation of Independent Business.
  • Kenneth Payne. Payne is the president of the Sacramento Taxpayers Association.[17]

Prop 31: Two-Year State Budget Cycle
  • Establishes two-year state budget cycle.
  • Prohibits Legislature from creating expenditures of more than $25 million unless offsetting revenues or spending cuts are identified.
  • Permits Governor to cut budget unilaterally during declared fiscal emergencies if Legislature fails to act.
  • Requires performance reviews of all state programs.
  • Requires performance goals in state and local budgets.
  • Requires publication of bills at least three days prior to legislative vote.
  • Allows local governments to alter how laws governing state-funded programs apply to them, unless Legislature or state agency vetoes change within 60 days.
  • Sarah Rose. Rose is the chief executive officer of the California League of Conservation Voters.
  • Joshua Pechthalt. Pechthalt is the president of the California Federation of Teachers.
  • Ron Cottingham. Cottingham is the president of the Peace Officers Research Association of California.
  • Anthony Wright. Wright is the executive director of Health Access California.
  • Lacy Barnes. Barnes is the senior vice-president of the California Federation of Teachers.
  • Lenny Goldberg. Goldberg is the executive director of the California Tax Reform Association.

Prop 32: the "Paycheck Protection" Initiative
  • Ban both corporate and union contributions to state and local candidates
  • Ban contributions by government contractors to the politicians who control contracts awarded to them
  • Ban automatic deductions by corporations, unions, and government of employees’ wages to be used for politics
  • The main campaign supporting the measure is YES on 32, Stop Special Interest Money Now!
The arguments in favor of Proposition 32 in the state's official voter guide were submitted by:
  • Gloria Romero. Romero is the state director of Democrats for Education Reform. She is also a former California state senator.
  • Gabriella Holt. Holt is the president of Citizens for California Reform.
  • John Kabateck. Kabateck is the executive director of the California chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business.
  • Marian Bergeson. Bergeson is a former California Secretary of Education.
  • Jon Coupal. Coupal is the president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.
  • The Hon. John Arguelles. Arguelles is a retired justice of the California Supreme Court.
  • Former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz. He says, "This initiative gets to the heart of one of the most corrosive elements in politics: campaign contributions...For too long, special interest money has dominated our politics, muting the voice of average Californians."[8]
  • Richard Riordan, a former mayor of Los Angeles.[9]

Prop 33: Automobile Insurance Persistency Discounts
  • Changes current law to allow insurance companies to set prices based on whether the driver previously carried auto insurance with any insurance company.
  • Allows insurance companies to give proportional discounts to drivers with some history of prior insurance coverage.
  • Will allow insurance companies to increase cost of insurance to drivers who have not maintained continuous coverage.
  • Treats drivers with lapse as continuously covered if lapse is due to military service or loss of employment, or if lapse is less than 90 days.
  • American Legion
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) of California
  • American GI Forum
  • California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce
  • The Greenlining Institute
  • Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC)
  • CDF Firefighters Local 2881
  • California Association of Highway Patrolmen
  • Senator Juan Vargas, Former Chair of the Assembly Insurance Committee
  • Willie Brown, Former Democratic Speaker of the Assembly
  • Jim Brulte, Former Republican Senate Minority Leader
  • California Republican Party
  • Former Lieutenant Governor of California, Cruz Bustamante
  • Don Perata, Democratic leader and former California Senate President pro Tempore
  • American Agents Alliance, representing thousands of independent insurance agents and brokers throughout California
  • Slavic American Chamber of Commerce
  • Merced Filipino Chamber of Commerce
  • Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce
  • Asian American Business Women’s Association
  • Asian Business Association of Orange County
  • Asian Americans in Commercial Real Estate
  • Council for Asian American Business Associations
  • Southeast Asian Community Center
  • Asian Business Association of Los Angeles
  • Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles
  • AP3CON
  • Global Network Solutions
  • Corona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  • Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Alameda County
  • South Bay Latino Chamber of Commerce
  • San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce
  • The Greater Phoenix Urban League
  • Brian Stedge of Consumer Watchdog says, "Mercury Insurance is back with another costly ballot initiative which attempts to trick voters into giving insurance companies new power to increase premiums and punish consumers. Mercury Insurance has a terrible history of mistreating its customers, ignoring the law and trying to deceive voters, and Californians need to know that you can't trust Mercury Insurance. The last thing Californians' need is another self-serving ballot initiative by a corporation hell bent on increasing its profit margins on the backs of already struggling families."[7]
  • Richard Holober, Executive Director of the Consumer Federation of California, says, "When was the last time a billionaire insurance magnate spent a fortune to save you money? Never. This proposition is nothing more that an insurance tycoon's self-enrichment scheme."[8]
  • Harvey Rosenfield. Rosenfield is the founder of Consumer Watchdog.
  • Elisa Obadashian. Obadashian is the director of the West Coast Office and State Campaigns for Consumer's Union, which is the policy and advocacy division of Consumer Reports.
  • Nan Brasmer. Brasmer is the president of the California Alliance for Retired Americans.
  • DeAnn McEwen, RN. McEwen is the president of the California Nurses Association.
  • Richard Holober. Holober is the executive director of the Consumer Federation of California.
  • Jamie Court. Court is the president of Consumer Watchdog.

Prop 34: End the Death Penalty Initiative
  • Repeal the death penalty as maximum punishment for persons found guilty of murder and replace it with life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
  • Apply retroactively to persons already sentenced to death.
  • Require persons found guilty of murder to work while in prison, with their wages to be applied to any victim restitution fines or orders against them.
  • Create a $100 million fund to be distributed to law enforcement agencies to help solve more homicide and rape cases.
  • Gil Garcetti. Garcetti was the District Attorney of Los Angeles County from 1992–2000.
  • Jeanne Woodford. Woodford is a former Warden of San Quentin State Prison who presided over 4 executions.[2]
  • Jennifer A. Waggoner. Waggoner is the president of the League of Women Voters of California.
  • Antonio R. Villaraigosa. Villaraigosa is the mayor of the City of Los Angeles County.
  • The Hon. John Van de Kamp. Van de Kamp was the Attorney General of California from 1983-1991.
  • LaDoris Cordell. Cordell, now retired, was a trial court judge in the Santa Clara County Superior Court.
  • H. Lee Sarokin, a retired federal judge. He says, "I've always said that I cannot envision that somebody contemplating murder sits at the kitchen table and says 'I'm not going to commit a murder because I could face the death penalty, but I will if I only face life imprisonment without parole'."[5]
  • Gerald Barnes, Bishop of the Diocese of San Bernardino.[6]
  • The California Catholic Conference of Bishops supports Proposition 34.[7]
  • The Hon. Pete Wilson. Wilson is a former Governor of California.
  • Marc Klaas. Klaas is the father of Polly Klaas, who was murdered when she was 12.
  • Keith Royal. Royal is the president of the California State Sheriffs’ Association.
  • Carl V. Adams. Adams is the president of the California District Attorneys Association.
  • Kermit Alexander. Alexander's family was executed by a Los Angeles gang member.
  • Ron Cottingham. Cottingham is the president of the Peace Officers Research Association of California.
  • McGregor Scott, a former U.S. Attorney.[3]
  • "Californians for Justice and Public Safety", a coalition formed to oppose the initiative.[3]
  • The "Criminal Justice Legal Foundation".[3]
  • Michael Ramos, San Bernardino County District Attorney
  • The California Republican Party.[16]
  • Sacramento County District Attorney Jan Scully. Scully is a co-chairwoman of the "No on 34" campaign

Prop 35: Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery
  • Increase prison terms for human traffickers.
  • Require convicted sex traffickers to register as sex offenders.
  • Require all registered sex offenders to disclose their internet accounts.
  • Require criminal fines from convicted human traffickers to pay for services to help victims.
  • Mandate law enforcement training on human trafficking.
  • Leah Albright-Byrd, Withelma Ortiz, and Carissa Phelps. Albright-Byrd, Ortiz and Phelps are survivors of human trafficking.
  • Marc Klaas. Klaas is the president of the KlaasKids Foundation.
  • Scott R. Seaman. Seaman is the president of the California Police Chiefs Association.
  • Nancy O'Malley. O'Malley is the District Attorney of Alameda County.
Endorsers of Proposition 35 include:
  • Senator Barbara Boxer, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, Congresswoman Jackie Speier, activist Jada Pinkett Smith, Planned Parenthood, NOW, the California Labor Federation, Crime Victims United of California, Peace Officers Research Association of California, the California Fraternal Order of Police, the National Latino Peace Officers Association (State of California), the California Association of Highway Patrolmen, and the California Police Chiefs Association.[3]
  • The California Democratic Party[4]
  • The California Republican Party.[5]
  • Maxine Doogan. Doogan is the president of the Exotic Service Providers Legal Education and Research Project.
  • Manual Jiminez. Jiminez is the Chief Financial Officer of the Exotic Service Providers Legal Education and Research Project.[6]
  • Norma Jean Almodovar. Almodovar is an author and a former police officer who has worked in the sex trade.[7]
  • "Starchild."[8]
  • Cindy Liou, a staff attorney at Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach, located in the Bay Area. Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach works with trafficking victims.[9]

Prop 36: Changes in the 3 Strike Law
  • Revise the three strikes law to impose life sentence only when the new felony conviction is "serious or violent".
  • Authorize re-sentencing for offenders currently serving life sentences if their third strike conviction was not serious or violent and if the judge determines that the re-sentence does not pose unreasonable risk to public safety.
  • Continue to impose a life sentence penalty if the third strike conviction was for "certain non-serious, non-violent sex or drug offenses or involved firearm possession".
  • Maintain the life sentence penalty for felons with "non-serious, non-violent third strike if prior convictions were for rape, murder, or child molestation."
  • Steve Cooley. Cooley is the District Attorney for Los Angeles County.
  • George Gascon. Gascon is the District Attorney for San Francisco.
  • David Mills. Mills is a professor at Stanford Law School.[3]
  • Jeffrey F. Rosen. Rosen is the District Attorney for Santa Clara County.
  • Charlie Beck. Beck is the Chief of Police of the City of Los Angeles.
  • The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.[3]
  • Dan Newman, who filed the language for the initiative. He says, "I think we will end up having a broad, bipartisan coalition this time. We will not allow this campaign to be pigeonholed, as past efforts [to change the law] have been. This will include law enforcement, Democrats, Republicans, civil right leaders and taxpayer advocates."[3]
  • Mike Romano, a Stanford University law professor who founded the "Three Strikes Project" in 2006. He says, "nonviolent third-strikers are the least likely to re-offend of any group in prison" and that offenders "will have to go before a judge and show they are not a danger to the community before their sentence can be reduced by one day".[3]
  • Geri Silva of "Families Against California's Three Strikes". Silva supports the 2012 initiative but believes it does not go far enough: "We're happy to have this initiative, but why should you get eight years for a petty theft. Hell no. We have got to stop compromising."[2]
  • Mike Reynolds, who wrote the language for California's "Three Strikes" Law. He says, "Once someone has been convicted of two serious or violent offences, I suggest it's pretty clear what they are capable of. If this passes, we are likely to see property crimes going up all over the state, and in very short order."[3]
  • Keith Royal. Royal, a sheriff, is the president of the California State Sheriff’s Association.
  • Carl Adams. Adams, a District Attorney, is the president of the California District Attorneys Association.
  • Harriet Salerno. Salerno is the president of Crime Victims United of California.
  • Rick Braziel. Braziel, a police chief, is the president of the California Peace Officers Association.
  • Henry Nicholas. Nicholas is the author of California’s Victims Bill of Rights.
  • Christine Ward. Ward is the executive director of the Crime Victims Action Alliance.

Prop 37: Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food
  • Requires labeling on raw or processed food offered for sale to consumers if made from plants or animals with genetic material changed in specified ways.
  • Prohibits labeling or advertising such food, or other processed food, as “natural.”
  • Exempts foods that are: certified organic; unintentionally produced with genetically engineered material; made from animals fed or injected with genetically engineered material but not genetically engineered themselves; processed with or containing only small amounts of genetically engineered ingredients; administered for treatment of medical conditions; sold for immediate consumption such as in a restaurant; or alcoholic beverages.
  • Dr. Michelle Pero. Pero is a pediatrician.
  • Rebecca Spector. Spector is the West Coast Director of the Center for Food Safety.
  • Grant Lundberg. Lundberg is the Chief Executive Officer of Lundberg Family Farms.
  • Jamie Court. Court is the president of Consumer Watchdog
  • Jim Cochran. Cochran is the general manager of Swanton Berry Farm.
  • Dr. Marcia Ishil-Eiteman. Ishil-Eiteman is a senior scientist with the Pesticide Action Network.[5]
  • Dr. Bob Goldberg. Goldberg is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Jamie Johansson. Johansson is a family farmer in California.
  • Betty Jo Toccoli. Toccoli is the president of the California Small Business Association.
  • Jonnalee Henderson. Henderson is affiliated with the California Farm Bureau Federation.
  • Dr. Henry I. Miller. Miller is a founding director of the Office of Biotechnology of the Food & Drug Administration.
  • Tom Hudson. Hudson is the executive director of the California Taxpayer Protection Committee.[7]

Prop 38: State Income Tax Increase to Support Education
  • Increases personal income tax rates on annual earnings over $7,316 using sliding scale from .4% for lowest individual earners to 2.2% for individuals earning over $2.5 million, for twelve years.
  • During first four years, allocates 60% of revenues to K–12 schools, 30% to repaying state debt, and 10% to early childhood programs. Thereafter, allocates 85% of revenues to K–12 schools, 15% to early childhood programs.
  • Provides K–12 funds on school-specific, per-pupil basis, subject to local control, audits, and public input.
  • Prohibits state from directing new funds.
  • Molly Munger is Proposition 38's main financial backer. According to Munger, "We're going to get this on the ballot and we're going to win."[2] In response to comparisons between her measure and the Jerry Brown Tax Increase Initiative (Proposition 30), Munger said, "I don't think we'd have a very good functioning democracy if we always just did what one person at the top wanted. In fact, one of the reasons we have democracy is because that old method, which is to just do what the king says, led to some very bad decisions over time."[18]
  • The California State PTA supports Proposition 38.[19]
  • Munger's team purchased TV spots in San Francisco and Los Angeles in late March to make the case that her initiative will generate "real money that really goes to schools, money that you can count, that you can trace and enforce, and that you can be sure will get to every school and every child."[20]
  • In response to the attacks on her initiative from those who support the Jerry Brown's Tax Increase (Proposition 30), Munger said, "You sort of hope that the Democrats are the party that stand up for investment in children and in education. Those are two bedrock principles of the Democratic Party. It is a little bit ironic that so many elements of the Democratic Party are, you know, supporting an initiative that does not invest in the main engine we have for social mobility and opportunity in our society, which is our K-12 schools."[20]
  • Carol Kocivar. Kocivar is the president of the California State Parent Teacher Association.
  • Edward James Olmos. Olmos, an actor, played teacher Jaime Escalante in "Stand and Deliver".
  • Arun Ramanathan. Ramanathan is the executive director of Education Trust-West.
  • Celia Jaffe. Jaffe is the president of the 4th District PTA, Orange County.
  • Alex Kajitani. Kajitani is the 2009 California Teacher of the Year.
  • Tini Repetti-Renzullo. Repetti-Renzullo is the 2010–2011 Los Angeles County Teacher of the Year.
  • Allan Zaremberg. Zaremberg is the president of the California Chamber of Commerce.
  • Ken Williams. Williams is a member of the Orange County Board of Education.
  • Thomas Hudson. Hudson is the executive director of the California Taxpayer Protection Committee.
  • Andrew Wong. Wong is a member of the Board of Education of the Pomona Unified School District.
  • Keith Royal. Royal is the president of the California State Sheriffs’ Association.
  • Richard Rider. Rider is the chairman of San Diego Tax Fighters.

Prop 39: Income Tax Increase for Multistate Businesses
  • Requires out-of-state businesses to calculate their California income tax liability based on the percentage of their sales in California.
  • Repeals existing law giving out-of-state businesses an option to choose a tax liability formula that provides favorable tax treatment for businesses with property and payroll outside California.
  • Dedicates $550 million annually for five years from anticipated increase in revenue for the purpose of funding projects that create energy efficiency and clean energy jobs in California.
  • Jane Warner. Warner is the president of the American Lung Association in California.
  • Thomas Steyer.
  • Mary Leslie. Leslie is the president of the Los Angeles Business Council.
  • Alan Joseph Bankman. Bankman is a professor of tax law at Stanford Law School.
  • Ruben Guerra. Guerra is the CEO of the Latin Business Association.
  • Jane Skeeter. Skeeter is a small business owner in California.
  • Jack Stewart. Stewart is the president of the California Manufacturers & Technology Association.
  • Lew Uhler. Uhler is the president of the National Tax Limitation Committee.
  • Pat Kong Kushida. Kushida is the president of the California Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce.
  • Mike Spence. Spence is the president of the California Taxpayer Protection Committee.
  • Robert Ming. Ming is the chairman of Friends for Saving California Jobs.
  • Jack Stewart. Stewart is the president of California Manufacturers & Technology Association.
  • Peter DeMarco, a spokesperson for a coalition of businesses that oppose the initiative, said that if approved, Proposition 39 is "going to drive workers and jobs out of California."[38]

Prop 40: Referendum on the State Senate Redistricting Plan
  • A "Yes" vote approves, and a "No" vote rejects, new State Senate districts drawn by the Citizens Redistricting Commission.
  • If the new districts are rejected, the State Senate district boundary lines will be adjusted by officials supervised by the California Supreme Court.
  • State Senate districts are revised every 10 years following the federal census.
  • Jennifer A. Waggoner. Waggoner is the president of the League of Women Voters of California.
  • David Pacheco. Pacheco is the president of AARP California.
  • Allan Zaremberg. Zaremberg is the president of the California Chamber of Commerce.
  • Kathay Feng. Feng is the executive director of California Common Cause.
  • John Kabateck. Kabateck is the executive director of the National Federation of Independent Business/California.
  • Gary Toebben. Toebben is the president of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce.
A "yes" vote on Proposition 40 is also supported by:
Charles H. Bell, Jr. filed the official request for a ballot title on behalf of Julie Vandermost.
The official campaign committee (before it withdrew its opposition) was called "Fair Districts 2012". According to their website, "We are a citizens group aimed at holding the Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC) accountable for creating fair districts in California. The committee is made up of individuals, businesses, elected officials, and community leaders who are concerned that a well-intentioned process of drawing legislative districts has put Californians in danger of being misrepresented regardless of race, culture or political party."[5]

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