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Monday, April 29, 2013

More Carabox Love

Cara Box

I thought I should share with you what I got Laura @ Simply Me, the Way I see It for her Carabox!! We were matched up and I had so much fun talking to her about sports and baseball this past month!!

In addition to her Carabox I picked up a belated birthday gift for her dog Riesling and am sending it in the mail tomorrow! Riesling posted a birthday blog, so I thought she deserved a fantastic gift ;)

Of course my dog, Crash, is insanely jealous. But he'll live. He got like three different treat types the other day, and a new bed! Things are going so great over here right now, although hectic again. I started my new job on Saturday and I'm "part full time" aka I'm not sure which I will be yet. They said part time but this week I am full time. I am just loving it so far! #ILoveCars

I've got to run though - I'm making dinner tonight for the first time in forever <3 nbsp="" p="">


  1. Congrats on the new job!! And that is soo sweet of you to think about her dog's birthday!

  2. Congrats on the new job!! I haven't told Ries yet she is getting another birthday present. It's a surprise! She will be so excited!!! You are awesome!!

    1. Thank you! And you're so super welcome though, like most things, it will be super late on my part. Did I ever mention how bad I am at mailing things? I'm great at buying gifts or writing letters, it's just the actual, stick it in the mail part. But today I have to go to UPS so it is leaving today! On my one day off. lol


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