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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Grab a Friend Blog Hop Co-Host

Woo! This should be a fun Tuesday!! :) 

A couple of announcements: 
1. Like the Color Me a Warrior Queen Facebook to get 15% off your first order [first 100 likes!]
2. Favorite the Etsy shop while you're at it. 
3. Take part in Her Campus' #LovingMe project
4. Join us in the blog hop below! 

Grab a Friend

Welcome to the weekly blog hop , Grab A Friend 
Link up here , answer a question , grab a blogger and be friends!

Every week this hop is created with lots of love + fun . So be sure to share it to more and more people can catch up and our lovely little hop can be large with more friends ;)

Want to co-host? Fill this form !


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Now the co-hosts


When you go to follow your hosts , leave the answer to make their day + a bloggy present .  We all would love to share love back { will follow you back} .
This hop is for finding new friends & bloggy mates . So be sure to go and find yourself one . Hop over to at least three of the blogs. I am so happy cheery to see you all linking up with us every Tuesday . Yip-yip , you're rocking . 
Be sure to grab a button or link back so more people can see & mingle in.
Q: If you could travel to any place around globe right now , where and WHY would you go?

Jenn : 
I've had an obsession with the thought of traveling through South America since my Junior Year of College. I took a Latin American Architecture and Art History Course and felt like I was living through all of my professors stories. I would love the idea of being able to backpack through trails in the mountains in Peru, visit fresh markets in Brazil, and soak up the sun on the coast of Argentina. I also have to check out Panama, one of my Grandfather's favorite places and where he lived for years before moving to the United States. I'll just take a sketchbook and trek around documenting all the beautiful things I see and people I meet. 


If it's about right now, I'd love to travel to Turkey. I'm obsessed to a Turkish drama series and I seriously want to meet some of those drama actors and see the places they're showing in the drama seriel.

I would travel to Australia. When I was 19, my brother, his wife and two children moved to Australia. They've not been back to England since and I've not been to visit them! My parents have travelled there 3 times but I've never been able to join them due to money, studies and work. They go for 6 weeks at a time and I could never afford to take that much time out! It's been almost 9 years since they moved, they have has two additional children in Australia that I'm dying to meet! I have 3 older brothers and the one that moved to Oz was the one I was closest to, I would baby sit my niece and nephew and they would stay at our house all the time. Now we only communicate though Facebook and Instagram, with the occasional Facetime chat when I'm at my parents house.

If I could go anywhere RIGHT NOW, I would pick somewhere tropical like Antigua! It seems so relaxing and warm and I'm feeling beach-y. (California has cold beach waters). Plus, I would be spoiled since we are going to Europe in 2 months!!


I'd like to travel to Australia right now because I need a grand vacation on beaches . Also , I'm craving summer so badly. So a quick Aussie holiday would be my fix.

Your turn to answer! You can either leave a comment or tweet us . You choose #DoItDoIt

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:


  1. You're lucky to live in one of the places I want to visit! I'd love to go to venice beach and play on the rings and run along the beach!

    I would also stalk all the youtubers =)

    Corinne x

  2. Thanks for the link up girl.if you see or know of anymore let me know. i'm looking for more link ups.

  3. Antigua would be great. I am not really an ocean swimmer here because you are right the water is so cold!

  4. Some place tropical sounds amazing! But we're having some pretty good weather in Texas right now. :) I suppose for me it would have to be Korea. Being a phone ESL teacher has given me the opportunity to learn so much about Korean culture without every having stepped foot in Korea, but I would love the chance to experience it in person. I think it would be a wonderfully fascinating experience!

  5. I would love to run away to somewhere tropical also. All the snow and cold in this place...oh my gosh!
    Loving this blog hop! :)

  6. Brr, I am so happy I don't have any snow to deal with. Good luck!

  7. I gave up on pretending to like the ocean water in high school. hahaha.

  8. Here's one for today!

  9. I love tropical places, so just about anywhere tropical would be great.
    But I have always wanted to travel to Bali. It has always been at the top of my list of places to go.

  10. I would go back to Mexico because it is warm, close and it is to bloody cold here.

  11. Hi there. Thank you for an awesome blog hop. First time joining.
    Honestly I'd love to travel anywhere outside New Jersey. I have only been outside of Jersey on a handful of occasions and it was only to visit my boyfriend in Elko NV. But since he's moved in with me now I'm not traveling at all. Haha. I think I may have a traveling fear or something I'm not fully aware of.

  12. Thanks for linking up!! Do you travel / stay different places in New Jersey? I like to travel, but just for short periods of time. People who travel the world for months are so inspiring but I'm too scared! You should definitely take a fun trip somewhere!

  13. Your Mexico pix are amazing!! I'm sorry it's so cold :(

  14. No, I'm afraid I don't even travel within Jersey. We have so many cool places I have never even seen and it's only a couple of hours away. My goal this summer is to go to at least one place. I've heard of this one place it's a classic drive-in movie place like 2 hours away from me, I'm making it a point to go there.

  15. Yes! You must take little trips! They're amazing :)


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