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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Stay Golden Positivity Link-Up

Hey guys! I'm really happy to be a part of Ashley's link up today! I discovered it and her blog, Modernette, last week via Twitter. I thought this was the perfect link up for our #dogood52ways challenge! 


Stay Golden is a weekly linkup that celebrates positivity! Each week I'll share a prompt that is related to living a positive lifestyle. Write a post, link it up, and get hopping! We can make Positive Thursdays a thing, right? It comes after Wednesday, it’s right before Friday, why not celebrate it with some good thoughts?!


Participate! Don't just leave your link and take off - instead, spend some time hopping around to other blogs and making new connections.

Leave a comment on the blog linked up before yours. This is the most important rule, because that's what linkups and hops are all about - meeting new people and new bloggers! After you add your blog's link, click over to the blog linked up before yours and leave a comment on one of their most recent posts.

Grab a button. Please don't forget to include a link back to the hop in your weekly post. Just grab the code below, and throw it into your post or onto your sidebar!

Stay Gold: The Weekly Positivity Link-up! 


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If you are interested in being a co-host, please check out some further information and sign up via the form right here.


Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:


  1. Aw. This seems like an awesome link-up! So much positivity. I love their buttons too. Gorgeous!


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