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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: Overwhelmed

2014 has been a year.

Not necessarily bad, but not entirely filled with greatest days ever. I wouldn't say any year is worse or better, but that it is a year. A year I am overwhelmingly grateful to have lived. That's the word I would use to sum up 2014: overwhelming.

I was overwhelmed with:

2014 brought me my husband, tons of baby family members, our sweet pup, our own bun in the oven and so many new friends. I lost my grandfather and my beloved childhood dog Crash to heaven. I've lost some friends to drifting apart. I've learned a lot and got through apartment drama, friend drama and my mom's cancer diagnosis.

Some days I blogged twice a day, every day a week and some days I couldn't bring myself to this piece of serenity. I planned amazing events, attended amazing events and made amazing colleagues. Stories have moved me to tears and some to laughter. My heart has soared and filled.

I learned a lot about myself, what I consider to be "ok" in the world and things that bother me. I have eliminated clutter from my life - though that is still a work in progress. I have big plans for 2015.

Last year's goals were quickly forgotten as the year progressed. They are still my goals, but they got pushed aside as I focused on more immediate things. Luckily, Iman and I are working on some things that should make our lives more efficient and fuller in 2015. I can't wait to real my word of 2015 :)

Last year I picked a picture that I thought summed up each month. Here is 2014!


Babies sum up my January 2014. I want to say within that month 4 babies were born into my life. I began the month co-hosting this adorable baby boy shower, which is actually my most pinned post ever. 


My Februarys are always crazy, and this year was no exception. I absolutely adored this shirt we designed, and my blog post about Self-Love. I think I wrote the most posts I've ever written this month, including guest posts.


March was my bachelorette and bridal shower and they were so, so amazing. This picture is with some of my girls. My amazing friend Britney (on the right) planned the entire shower herself. 


Duh. April. Wedding. Emotions. So.Many. Emotions.


This picture may have technically been the last week in April, but May was pretty lowkey. We packed up and moved. Our honeymoon in Holland was definitely the highlight. Oh and my tattoo...which...see below..


June is always crazy and fun because it is our birthday month. I think this picture totally sums it up though because I am literally jumping for joy. Photo cred: Jess Angeles from Jess Loves This Life


July was a lot of time in Vegas, a wedding and this baby shower!! I absolutely love throwing parties and baby showers, especially! 


August brought our roommate and so many fun times. This is also the month that I went on anxiety medicine. My niece was born as well :)


September began with the worst week of my life. The rest of the month wasn't horrible, but it definitely left a mark on me. 


I love this picture! October was relaxing and I had a lot of fun getting pumpkins from a real farm. Then we painted them together. October is also when I got pregnant! (But I didn't know it)


November we found out we were pregnant and desperately attempted to keep it a secret all month long. Thanksgiving we spilled the beans! Also, I slept most of this month. 

December I spent less time taking pictures and more time living life. We actually didn't take any pictures on Christmas besides my bumpie. Instead, we lived each moment, hopefully with intention. I've been able to finally see my friends that I haven't seen since summer. 

How was your year? Are you doing a year recap? I'd love to see your posts, share them below!

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:


  1. Aww, great roundup! Sometimes its better to live life not through a camera lens - I'm slowly starting to realize this as well. Wishing you all the best in the new year!

    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  2. Fantastic round up and year too. Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing what is to come in 2015

  3. Thank you!! It is so funny because I used to be attached to my camera, and I love to have photographs, but I like to live on the other side of the camera, not behind it anymore. I hope you have a wonderful start to the new year!!!

  4. Thank you!! I hope you have a wonderful start to 2015!!


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