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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Just Another Excited Word Vomit

There's so much I want to tell you all about, but it is going to have to wait because, once again, I am on my lunch break at work - trying to blog and shove food in my face at the same time. Once again, I'm on public internet which runs so, so slow! So instead of a real post, I'll give you a post about what's to come!

I promised you I'd tell you why Monday was so fantastic. So here we go!

I'm not a Monday person. I told you guys about that in this guest post. And this Monday was no different. I had a training meeting at 8 am about 20 miles from me, in my old home town. I  decided to get lost and barely make it there. I also was having a complete freak out about our wedding over the weekend (Hint to a future post #1).

The training went fantastically - and I got a free delicious breakfast from Mimi's Cafe. Seriously, I love that place. But I am so sad they didn't give me a muffin - my fave!

Then I found out I won a free T-Shirt from one of our distributors. It's an autobody shirt but still! WAY COOL. I'm wearing it tomorrow, so keep an eye out on Instagram!

Shortly, thereafter I managed to get free lunch from my boss and free Starbucks from our mechanic. WINNING. I don't know how this all ended up being so awesome! lol.

Monday was also the day that I co-hosted The Collective with Peacoats and Plaid. I got a lot of blog love that day, and I am ecstatic!! I still need to finish visiting all of my new friends and comment / follow. Plus I got nominated for my first Liebster Award by Absolutely Arkansas!

In addition to that, I won By The Porchlight's Bloggers Give Back Giveaway. OH EM GEE. I decided to donate to To Write Love On Her Arms because they're one of my favorite organizations [I still want to intern for them] and last week was National Suicide Prevention Week and they spent the whole week doing awesome things for people!

Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty hectic (like usual) so today I opted to come into work an hour early to hopefully finally maybe make some headway in all of the files I have backed up on my desk. Seriously, I'm about 30 deep in my "should have closed a week or more ago" pile. YIKES!

We've got some major changes at all three of my works right now, so I am floating along.

Yesterday I participated in the Influenster Twitter Party. That was fun! Now to finish up my post and share with you all of the fun stuff I got!

I am beyond ecstatic for this weekend because it is the Sand Sports Super Show. What in the world is that, you may ask? Only my favorite weekend of the year. We go to the sand dunes and ride quads and drive sand buggies and this marks the beginning of the riding season (aka it will finally be cool enough to go) and one of the only times I get to see a bunch of friends each year. I'm volunteering, like usual, and we plan on going to the super trucks show as well!!

Sunday we're going to go visit a wedding venue. But wait - you thought I had that booked. Well, I did. Like I said - WEDDING FREAKOUT. It will alll work out though, I know it.

Then I'm having some girl time Monday night because Iman's taking off for a 1 day no-gambling boys trip to Vegas. I'm totally jealous over here. :)

There's also a little baby making her way into the world sometime today or tomorrow that I am super excited to meet!!! Why does Ohio have to be so far away?

What are you guys up to the rest of the week?

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