I'm not joking when I say I've worked a lot of jobs. I seriously mean
A LOT. Like, I haven't even worked for 10 years and I've had 17 jobs and internships.
I am sort of one of those workaholics. The first step is admitting it right?
For example, my new fantastic, amazing, wonderful job [career], will earn me more than enough to pay my bills and save for the wedding. It will exhaust me enough that I
should only work one job. But I can't stop! It's only 4 days a week...that means there are 3 days off. 3 DAYS off. What am I going to do with my time?
Serve at bdubs of course. Just sometimes, but
still. Maybe it is because I have a difficult time putting my two weeks in or quitting. I just love my coworkers and customers wherever I work.
So here's a breakdown of my jobs. With pictures of little ol me.
My very first day of work ever. |
The Merv Lounge (6/2005-12/2007)
My best friend and I interviewed at Mervyn's a week before I turned 16. We were both hired and I spent a glorious summer working 32 hour weeks and having
money. Then school started and I still sort of worked all the way until spring break. I took a few months off, went back for the summer, took senior year off, went back for the summer. I only quit after Xmas break of Freshman year of college because I didn't know
any of the managers and they treated me like I had no idea what I was doing when I'd worked there for 2.5 years already. JEEZ.
Fun Fact: I still think Mervyns owns my soul though, they send me paychecks randomly, even after they went bankrupt.
We pied people on their last day at The Faculty Club |
The Faculty Club (11/2007-4/2008)
My first serving job!! My roommate and I got hired and it was so much fun. I worked lunch shifts serving teachers [and spilling a tray full of water on one] and some afternoon and nights for events. I loved working Football Saturday. We didn't get tips though, which made me work even harder for tips when I started at Bdubs.
Fun Fact: While ill with 4 different infections,(sinus, bronchitis, flu, pneumonia) my manager called and yelled at me for not being at work. I trudged through the snow with a doctor's note and puked in front of some prospective students.
Pottery Barn (6/2008-4/2009)
Summer 2008 two of my [favorite] Mervyn's managers were now running a Pottery Barn department and I made my way over there. What a glorious summer! In the fall, I transferred to the store in Ohio, but then they ran out of hours so I went looking elsewhere...
Fun Fact: To be honest, I may also still be an employee of my old Pottery Barn, I never put in my two weeks or was fired or discharged or anything.
Campfire Kids (9/2008-1/2009)
Daycare! Oh how I loved being a daycare aid. I worked 3 hours every morning until I no longer had a car to drive and my house caught on fire.
Fun fact: I once growled at a kid and I spent a lot of my time doing the Mambo dance.
Columbus Nanny (9/2008-1/2009)
This was so much fun! I watched 2 little boys and 1 little girl a couple of nights a week. The mom was only a year or two older than me and the family was super awesome.
Fruitti Yogurt (4/2009-10/2009)
When I moved back to Cali I was desperate and found this job at a frozen yogurt shop. I got the slow shift and was a mini-manager...but made minimum wage. Oh, and the owners yelled at me in Korean once, told me I had to stand at the counter or clean constantly...I went crazy. 1030-230 everyday bored because everyone was at work or school.
Fun Fact: This was the summer that my birth control made me have over 10 panic attacks a day. Awesome when you're literally the ONLY person in a building for 6 hours.
California Teriyaki Grill (5/2009-7/2009)
The yogurt people opened this restaurant while I worked for them so I worked some shifts over here until I realized working 10:30am-9:30pm on my feet with no lunch break was torture.
I liked to Spray Tan back in the day...this is the night the Lakers Won the Playoffs |
Buffalo Wild Wings (10/2009-7/2010, 1/2012-present)
I love this place. So much so that I work here still.
Fun Fact: I still have regulars from when I worked here originally and I am often referred to as Miss Buffalo. I spend too much time here.
Live Magazine (11/2009-1/2010)
I interned [illegally, I think] for this music magazine. It was a lot of fun for the first few weeks until I realized I was mostly going to be writing CD reviews.
Just chillin with some guys from Mayday Parade |
Hollywood Music Magazine (1/2010-present)
Another job I currently have! I don't get paid though...unless you count free concert tickets as payment. Which I do.
Fun Fact: I love going backstage at Warped Tour and have interviewed many of my favorite bands.
Mi Casa (1/2010-10/2010)
My favorite restaurant hired me as their salsa girl!! Basically I got to go to different Whole Foods and grocery stores and have people taste their salsa. The best part about this job was that I could work literally anywhere - even when I was on vacation in San Diego, or looking for a job up in LA.
This is Remington. Sometimes he visited me at work |
Lazy Dog Cafe (8/2010-6/2012)
I worked here for 2 years and made some of the best friends. We were seriously a little family - I even lived with coworkers! I don't think I could have survived my years living up in LA without this family.
Fun Fact: A coworker I knew for only a month, let me live with her family for a month when my best friend's dad sold the house we were living in and gave us 10 days to move.
L.A. Parent (8/2011-12/2011)
The only internship that actually counted - I got school credit for it - and I absolutely loved the women I worked with. I wrote a big feature in the magazine about technology in the classroom...funny that that is what I do now.
Dodgeball |
Planet Bravo (6/2012-8/2012, 10/2013-present)
Summer camp counselor!! This was probably the best summer of my life. I taught young children how to make video games etc....Fun Fact: This is the company I currently work for as a computer teacher!!!
The best way to communicate at work |
Rusnak BMW (9/2012-1/2013)
Within just a few short months, I went from weekend receptionist/file clerk with 12 hours a week to Service Receptionist and assistant to the Service Manager with just under 50 hours a week in a couple of months. I still miss this place, but we had to move home.
Fun Fact: I picked out a watch we gave to David Boreanaz and also said "How do I spell Sellack" to Tom Sellack. Also, Rico from Hannah Montana came in a lot.
Kymberly Marciano Photography (9/2012-1/2013, 8/2013-10/2013)
I learned so much doing social media for this child fashion photographer. I still work with her when I have the chance.
Fun Fact: She did the cutest Norman Rockwell photoshoot last year.
La Habra Collision Center (4/2013-10/2013)
I love cars and I love this company. I was so sad to leave them last week, but they are so supportive in my following of my dreams.
Fun Fact: I saw at least 3 car accidents in front of our auto body shop while I was working.
So as you can tell, I worked more than one job at once...sometimes like 4 at a time. But still!!
How many jobs have you had? Which was your favorite?
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