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Friday, April 18, 2014

Wake Up Prepped [Guest Post]

While I'm getting ready to get married TOMORROW and then honeymooning in Europe, a few wonderful bloggers will be taking over my blog! I am so excited to be sharing these ladies with you!  Lauren has such good ideas down here. I need to start doing this when I get back! 5am always comes too quick.


Hey everyone! I’m Lauren, blogger  from lauren elyse Can. Raewyn asked me to help out today because she’s busy getting prepped for a WEDDING! (ps I want pictures!) I write a lifestyle blog from the perspective of a student-athlete, and I was more than happy to oblige as I’m a whole hearted believer the warrior queen philosophy! I figured I’d share some of the things that help get my morning off on the right foot. And when you start with a great morning, you can’t help but have a great day!

Four Ways to Wake Up Prepped and Ready

1. Clear your space- okay, anyone who knows me at all knows that I have a messy side. My room is never spotless, despite my best efforts. However I know that when my productivity or motivation is at an all-time low, the clutter in my space does nothing but drag me down even further. Before I can even attempt at being productive, I HAVE to tidy up my living space! It’s not being able to do homework until your desk is clear. Sometimes I’ll do it right before I go to bed at night, so when I wake up in the morning I know I can hop right out of bed (and to the coffee machine) without tripping over nonsense from the day before

2. The planning notecard- I always keep a stack of note cards by my bed, and if I feel flustered or busy (who doesn’t, we’re collegiates!) I take a second and write down my plan for the whole next day. I don’t need to write down buildings or times even, just a plan of action- one event to the next. Sometimes this will looks like: Weights, class, class, practice, class, practice, group project, laundry and other days it would look like: advising meeting, coffee date, practice, class, practice, class, run.

3. The food notecard- This is the second of two notecards I write out nearly every night. I know you read on the internet constantly about how keeping a food journal is a great way to keep your health on track- there’s even apps where you can scan the barcodes or look up what you ordered for lunch! As someone who tries to menu plan as often as possible and rarely eats out however, I found this method more effective. Who has time to keep a food journal anyways? By writing down the night BEFORE what I’m planning on eating that day, I can make breakfast faster, pack lunches easier, and know the steps to make dinner before I even wake in the door. This looks a lot like the planning notecard! Breakfast: oatmeal, banana, coffee. Lunch: yogurt and granola, apple and peanut butter, veggies and hummus. Dinner: leftover pasta with mushroom sauce and broccoli slaw.

4. Prep the prepping- Another tip you read for the morning often is “pack everything the night before.” But has anyone here tried to pack a salad the night before and still find it edible the next day? Ew, um, no. While I do what I can the night before (like packing my backpack!) I know I’ve got a few things left to do in the morning. Make sure that evening that you’re washing tupper-wares, setting up your coffee machine, charging your laptop, etc.!

Hope a few of these can help you out! You can follow more of lauren elyse CAN on Twitter and Instagram: @laurenekelba. I’d LOVE to hear what helps you get going in the am!

Thank you so much for taking over my blog as I'm trying not to freak out!!

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