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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Writing Process

The lovely Julia @ Miss Trend She tagged me in a post to write about my writing process last week. This is such a fun thing to learn about other bloggers. I hope that I wrote enough to help you if you're ever feeling stuck.

1. What am I working on?
Right now, I am exculsively working on my blog and guest posts! I will occasionally still write articles for Hollywood Music Magazine, but I always feel burnt out if I do too many reviews. I really want to start writing my novel again, but I'm hoping to participate in NaNoWriMo this year.
2. How does my work differ from others of it's genre?
As far as blogging goes, I know that I have a different voice and subject matter than most other bloggers. I really don't like to post the same things, unless it is in a collaboration. If there is something I really want to write about, I may wait to write about it because I don't want my post to get lost in a sea of other posts. I also think that my writing differs because of my journalism background. 
3. Why do I write what I do?
The words I write are all a part of a story - my story or another story that I feel needs to be told. I am compelled to write. My mind starts buzzing and I get it out. I write because I need to write. It clarifies my life. The particular topics that I write are geared toward changing the world because I have an insatiable desire to do so. 

4. How does my writing process work?
This depends a little bit on what I am writing. I always have to begin with my introduction or lede, though. I literally am stuck if I cannot figure out how to begin. Sometimes, I begin with my headline and that helps me with my lead, but other times the headline or title comes last. 

I usually write what comes out of my fingers in whatever thought process I am having. I then go back and reorganize in a logical manner. If I know I want to hit certain big points (and for articles) I always map out what I will put in.

For example, an article would look like this:

Lead - Sexy Quote -
Nut Graf -

I fill in all of the quotes before I write the article because it helps me to write my transitions. Believe it or not, a good news article is led by the quotes, not the other way around. 

Oddly enough, some blog posts and articles come out handwritten, first. 

And that's how I do it! :) The three people I am tagging are:

Tiffany @ Endless Bliss
Emma  @ It's Emma Elise
Paulina @ Color Me Brave

1. What am I working on?

2. How does my work differ from others of it's genre?

3. Why do I write what I do?


4. How does my writing process work?

Even if I didn't tag you, I am curious to know you're writing style! Answer these questions (in the comments or on your blog) and make sure to send me the link!!

 photo name.jpg

Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:


  1. I hand write a lot of my blog posts first too. Even 5LG! I like to see how it looks on paper first I guess.

  2. I can NOT write handwritten first! I think faster than my hands can write, and then my hands cramp up. Anyways, thanks for tagging me! Here are my answers.

    ♥Emma, of It's Emma Elise

    PS - I was super distracted by your Instagram flip-through thing, right by the comment box. And I have to tell you, looking at your time hop pictures up through your wedding you aged, you seriously blossomed into such a beautiful lady! :D (#jealous)

  3. Sometimes I think faster than I can hand write too!! My students always look at me in awe when they see me typing something because I type so fast. I'm so excited to go and read your answers!

    Also, thank you so much! That means a lot because I've seriously been feeling less confident in my appearance than I did four years ago, and I definitely needed to hear that!!


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