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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Yay!! Rachael at The Overwhelmed Undergrad nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger award!! I'm so excited.
I met Rachael through the Her Campus Blogger Network, and I adore her blog!! Go check it out! 

The Rules
1) Link the person who nominated you
2) List and display the rules
3) Share seven facts about yourself
4) Nominate 15 other blogs and let them know they have been nominated

My Seven Facts 
1)  I've always had a passion for inspiring people to follow their dreams. I was that annoying little kid. 
2)  Sometimes it seems like I make rash decisions, but really I've just been thinking nonstop about the decision for the past few hours. 
3)   My OCD causes me to have a lot of anxiety, but when there is the crisis, I will be completely serene and handling the situation. This epic problem solver takes over.
4)  I'm a problem solver.
5)   My mom taught me to love everyone and try to help however I can, whenever I can. That's how I live my life. 
6)   I spend as much time and money as I can each month giving back. People don't usually realize it, but aren't surprised when they find it out.
7)    Finding people I have a connection with is my favorite past-time. 
Here are my 15 nominations!
It's not customary to write how they inspire you, but I am doing so because I want to thank them! 
Go check out these lovely blogs and be ready to feel inspired!!

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:


  1. Yay! Thank you so much for the nomination! This post looks so fun and I can't wait to do it!

  2. Thanks for the nomination!! This post looks awesome :)

  3. Thank you so much!!!! :)

  4. this is an awesome award! congrats

  5. This is such an honer! THANK YOU so much! Feels wonderful to be in such great company.


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