Stay Golden is a weekly linkup that celebrates positivity!
Positivity comes in a ton of different shapes and forms: from being excited about a new drink at Starbucks, to paying it forward, to having a not-so-great day and consciously turning it around.
So write a post, link it up, and get hopping - cause we can make Positive Thursdays a thing, right? It comes after Wednesday and it's right before Friday, so why not celebrate it with some good thoughts?!
Participate! Don't just leave your link and take off - instead, spend some time hopping around to other blogs and making new connections.
Leave a comment on the blog linked up before yours. This is the most important rule, because that's what linkups and hops are all about - meeting new people and new bloggers! After you add your blog's link, click over to the blog linked up before yours and leave a comment on one of their most recent posts.
Grab a button. Please don't forget to include a link back to the hop in your weekly post. Just grab the code below, and throw it into your post or onto your sidebar!
Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:
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