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Thursday, January 30, 2014

50 Weeks of Doing Good

 Erykka and I decided to do the #dogood52ways challenge from the Do Good Bus. Every Wednesday night, we draw a new paper from the jar; complete the task; and invite our blog readers to partake. For more information on how this started go here. 

So, was anyone able to wash someone's car last week?

Because let me tell you, I dropped the ball on that one. I was planning on surprising Iman with a car wash on Friday while he was working because he is so awesome to me and fills up my gas tank if he drives my car for 5 minutes.

Then he decided to leave work when I came to visit him...aka "bring food" aka bring food and take his car to the car wash! But never fear! He was going to be in Vegas all weekend! So I begun to hatch a plan in my head to do it on Sunday, since Saturday I was spending the day and night with a couple of girlfriends of mine. I told him I would smog his car for him.

Sunday morning rolls around and I wake up at my friend's friend's house, stranded. A few weeks ago there were some pretty bad wildfires and this girl lived in the hills that were affected. On Saturday night, when we went to her house, we all had to drive up in her car because officers were only letting residents in. Sunday morning she left for church. We assumed she'd be back by 10:30 or 11. She got back at 1:30. After attempting to find a bridesmaid dress for my friend, I returned home - excited to at least take Iman's car to get washed.

I found him already home from Vegas! He likes to surprise me by being home when I don't expect him to be...

That would be fine if I worked a normal job and could go to the car wash in the daylight, but with my far drive I leave when it is dark and get home when it is dark. But never fear! I found an app that will come to your car location and wash your car! It's called It is WAY cool, but not yet offered in SoCal...

Today starts a week of clouds and possible rain...and I know it's snowing all over the place so maybe we will raincheck (snowcheck?) this one???

I did buy a homeless man lunch on Sunday, though :)

This week's #dogood52ways pull is also about a car. I let Iman pull it from the jar. 

Did you participate? I'd love to know! Instagram a picture of your #dogood52ways deed and tag me @raetothewyn 

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wedding Wednesday: Advocare Giveaway

Hi bloggy land!

There was something that I wanted to write about today for Wedding Wednesday, but I will push that off until next week. There is far too much love in my heart and in my thoughts for me to sit down and write a coherent post. I promise you that it will be an amazing post, I've been working on it for weeks!

I am still choosing to link up though, because I have a fabulous health giveaway, that some brides might want to enter!! :)

Brittney had been wanting to try this Advocare Cleanse ever since Skinny Meg talked about it (& had great results by the way!) and I know so many others have talked about wanting to try it too, but it's out of budget for them. Well... a handful of lovely bloggers and I are here to save your day! THREE lucky winners will get an Advocare 10 Day Cleanse pack! So many people have had amazing results with this!

What is the 10 Day Cleanse? It's a GENTLE cleanse to rid your body of toxins and waste you've been holding up. Think of it as a great start to weight loss, or to get over a plateau. This is NOT to help you lose weight, but to help your body help you lose weight. Does that make sense? You hold so many toxins and extra bloat from bad things you eat. Think of it as changing an AC filter. You have an AC that runs great, but the vent is holding in all this crud that needs to go away in order for it to work right/blow well. When you replace the filter, you get rid of the crud, letting the air flow better. When you cleanse yourself, your digestive system works better and so does your metabolism. I have the weirdest ways of explaining things, ha ha! You can read more about the cleanse here.

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A WQ Discussion: Anti-Rape Wear

Remember at the beginning of the year when I said one of my goals was to return to more "girl power" posts? This is one of those posts. It is probably pretty controversial, and I am hoping it sparks a conversation. I would love to hear what you think of this post and of the content!!

I've gotten in many debates on the topic of anti-rape clothing. Some people think that the idea is ridiculous in the ways that some people think the idea of rape is actually ridiculous. Others can't wrap their heads around how it could help. Personally, I love this idea but I am saddened that we have to resort to this for girls not to be raped.

In Orange County and Los Angeles there seems to be an increase on female attacks and attempted kidnappings recently. I'm not sure if it is really an increase or just an increase in coverage. Either way, I have opted against doing a morning walk around my work because of this. If I ever found myself in such an unfortunate situation, I would be happy to have clothing like this.

Below I have taken the words directly from AR Wear's Indiegogo campaign that ended in November. They reached their funds and are in the process of completing their project.

We developed this product so that women and girls could have more power to control the outcome of a sexual assault. We wanted to offer some peace of mind in situations that cause feelings of apprehension, such as going out on a blind date, taking an evening run, “clubbing”, traveling in unfamiliar countries, and any other activity that might make one anxious about the possibility of an assault.
Although we believe that self-defense skills can help to resist an attempted assault, they cannot be used in all situations and will not always be effective. Other tools of self-defense currently available are also not effective in many common settings of sexual assault. Products such as pepper spray, tear gas, stun guns, etc. require that the potential victim be very alert and might be taken away to use against her.
We read studies reviewing the statistics of resisting assault, whether by forceful or non-forceful means. We learned that resistance increases the chance of avoiding a completed rape without making the victim more likely to be physically injured. We concluded that an item of clothing that creates an effective barrier layer can allow women and girls to passively resist an attacker, in addition to any other form of resistance they may be able to carry out at the time of an assault.
Our goal is to offer a wide range of wearable items, which will include assorted types and styles of underwear, running shorts, traveling shorts, etc., suitable for different situations and the styles of individual users. The challenge was to design products that can be worn comfortably while still being able to frustrate an assault effectively. The garments must be very difficult for someone else to remove by either force or stealth (in situations where the victim cannot resist because she has had too much to drink, was drugged, or is asleep).
They need to be resistant to pulling, tearing and cutting while being comfortable to wear during normal activities and, as in the case of underwear, fit smoothly under form-fitting outer clothing
Since we did not find a single material that fulfilled these requirements, our solution was to strengthen specific elements of our garments using an innovative skeletal structure which allows them to remain soft and ergonomic. The waist, thighs, and central panels are protected with specially designed, cut resistant straps and webbing. Once the waist girth has been adjusted and secured with its unique locking device, the garment cannot be pulled down. Since a female’s waist measurement is generally less than that of her pelvic area, the waist strap can be locked at a comfortable position and still prevent unwanted removal of the garment. The thigh straps, after an initial adjustment by the wearer, prevent the leg openings from being lifted or shifted to the sides by someone else. The center panels are connected to both the waist and thigh straps to create a unified protective skeletal structure.
Do you have a lot of questions about this product? Skepticisms? I urge you to read this Feministing article about it and then read the comments at the bottom. Particularly, those of K. Cecilia Sequeira.

By sharing this article, I am not saying it is the only answer to rape. Nor am I saying that it is the best answer. I do believe that it is a good answer to those expressing anxiety about being raped.

I would seriously, seriously love to hear your thoughts on this! Let's have a Twitter chat! Hashtag #antirapewq or mention me at @raetothewyn

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Monday, January 27, 2014

5 Little Grins Week 16 [Link Up]

Well, it's the last Monday of January and I am still  waiting for my nephew to come! My friend is only 3 days past her due date though...I'm just impatient! I am ever so excited to post my 5 Little Grins though!! 

5 Little Grins


We'll go ahead and say it: Most people think Mondays suck / are the worst / should die a fire-y death. I'm sure you get the picture.

We've all had our fair share of bad Mondays and bad Tuesdays and just plain ol' bad days. Instead of focusing on the bad, what if we focused on the good things?

What if we focused on the little things that made us smile today, yesterday, last week? Could our whole attitude change? In time, would we find that we're having more good days than bad?

Cassandra, Paulina and I would love for you to join us on our weekly link up counting at least 5 things that made you smile in the last week. We could start our Mondays on this positive note!

Of course, this is all about encouragement, so hop on over to some other blogs and leave a positive note and make a new friend!
The Rules! (These are really just kind suggestions)

1. Follow your hosts: Cassandra, Raewyn, and Paulina!

2. Link up your post that includes 5-ish things that made you smile in the past week

3. Comment after you link up

4. Go visit some other blogs and make some friends!

5. Have fun, and don't forget to smile!!

OKAY, I love Mondays now. 

Seriously, you guys. I always am so happy on Mondays now when I get to remember the things that made me grin in the last week! I hope you have the same feelings! :) 

1. While he was in Vegas bowling, Iman bought our wedding rings!! It was totally unexpected because he was just supposed to try some if only he will show me what his ring looks like!!

2. Two more little baby boys were born this week!! Iman had two cousins welcome their first children into the world. Prayers would be wonderful for our family, as one little boy was born early and he is in the NICU because he isn't breathing well

3. I spent Saturday with my wife just doing whatever - with no specific plans and it was just wonderful! That evening I got to see another one of my oldest friends for her birthday and I felt like a teenager again! 

4. Iman and I got our cake topper and some more wedding stuff in the mail!! 

5. I finally got a paycheck and I am happy to say that I survived one whole month on one paycheck!! 

What are you grinning about today? 

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy, Happy Saturday Links + Giveaway

Hello my dear friends!!

I have quite the day ahead of me, but I wanted to be sure to stop by this morning and share some links I super loved from this week, as well as a giveaway I'm participating in!!

  • This is the most amazing article I've read in awhile and the entire reason I need to get my ish together and make this magazine that I want! It's a long read, but I promise it is worth it. 
  • Check out this awesome giveaway and gorgeous shoes from Excuse My Blog
  • Think about how awesome these BRAVE girls are to be part of Unicef's #GirlChildDay 
  • Subscribe to No Biggie and get this TOTALLY cute free printable. I'm going to gift it to my MOH. 
  • Go watch / participate in Always Ashten's Vlog Like a Boss for this week! 
  • We are down to the last 5 days of ordering Color Me a Warrior Queen shirts. Go here to get them!!!
  • Have you seen the new I Wore Yoga Pants shirt?? 
  • Don't forget to check out on our FB page the other awesome links I've been reading this week! 

Noor // Areeba  // Anna  // Karly // Lydia // Rae // Jess

Wanna fill your bag with some glamourous banknotes? Enter away this $100 paypal cash giveaway !
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Vloggers Like to Ramble Like a Boss

Better late than never? [Never late is better...] I love that song!

Anyway, I was going to do some productive blog things today, but then other life things got in the way...aka I visited my gyno and got my passport application filed. WOO HOO!

Also, I was going to make this blog about warrior queen love and instead I decided to show you all of the things I just got. Blog readers love that type of thing, right? Enjoy my ramblings...I will try to make next Friday's blog a little more relevant!

Things you should remember: 

  • I change my voice a LOT. 
  • My amazing lipstick is called Kate by Rimmel London and you can get it at Target
  • Moisturizer: Garnier Nurtioniste; Eye cream: 40 Carrot Retinol (from Marshalls!) 
  • I suck at saying goodbye when people leave
  • Email me your address and I will send you a handwritten note! 

HAPPY FRIDAY / Saturday if you live on the east coast
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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

51 Weeks of Doing Good

Alright, who did the #DoGood52Ways challenge last week?

Join us on Instagram! :) @raetothewyn #dogood52ways

Now's the time to let me know! I am going to put a link up form, but you don't have to do a blog - feel free to just share a picture from Instagram! I just want to go and comment! You can also hashtag the picture in Instagram. I didn't come up with the hash tag, it's from the jar that I received, so the Do Good Bus is following the hashtag, too!!

Don't know what the #DoGood52Ways challenge is? Go here to find out!

We completed week one! I hope it was an easy one - I mean - taking a few minutes to write a Yelp review is very simple and easy, and so gratifying! I reviewed Sushi Joint - my favorite sushi restaurant for the past year! I had no idea that I hadn't reviewed them yet. I'm usually pretty good at that stuff. They have the most awesome and caring staff I've ever encountered, so they definitely deserved the accolade.

Erykka reviewed California Health Foods, a store where she purchased a one day cleanse. I am so excited to share with you that Erykka has joined me in the blogging world! She got a Tumblr where she plans on posting her good deeds, inspirations and other ways to be the change. We're on this path together!

Seriously, you should go follow her. She's the girl who got me into yoga and someday wants to be a yoga instructor. On top of that, she shares my passion for giving back! I am so happy to have called this girl a best friend for almost a decade!

Last night, we picked this week's #DoGood52Ways challenge and it might be a tricky one for anyone effected by snow. You can table this one and come back to it - but still do something good for someone :)

Join us on Instagarm! @raetothewyn #dogood52ways

Can't wait to surprise someone with a car wash!

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wedding Wednesday: Flower Power!

I know it's been my wedding obsession lately but I am absolutely in LOVE with what is going on in the flower department. I suppose it is because when I originally decided to get flowers they were very, very minimal. As in, I decided we should have bouquets and just that.

Of course, everyone thought I was absurd. I'm just not big on flowers! Mostly it's because I am very freaked out by fern plants, and they are always in with bouquets. I know it's weird but hear me out.

When I was 12, we moved into this house that happened to have two master bedroom and bathrooms. So, I had my own bathroom attached to my bedroom and it was the perfect place to put flowers that people bought me. So, I got some flowers for my birthday and I was excited to put them there and there they stayed - because I'm lazy and also I like to KEEP EVERYTHING. ALL OF THE THINGS. I'm working on this...

So, one day I was touching my things in the bathroom and they had this weird brown stuff on them and I thought there were bugs attacking my room and I would die. Eventually, my mom convinced me they were the spores from the ferns and I need to know WHY THOSE HAVE TO EXIST AND FALL ALL OVER.

It helps that I was probably learning about animal and plant sex organs in class at that time so I was scarred that there were plant sex cells all over my bathroom and I touched them.

So, anyway...back to the wedding...

Iman's cousin has saved me! She is the best, best lady ever! I love her and I am so happy to be getting to know her better. Thanks to her we have some exciting flower things going along. Which I will now show you. All pictures are from Pinterest.

Somehow these little glass balls will be filled with little daisies to decorate the arch. These are the ideas of his cousin, but the end result is still in her creative brain! 

Sunflowers at the end of the rows! 

I just love sunflower balls! We could totally use fake ones, too

of course I have shared these from Muffin Tin Mom before. We are putting a little twist on them, but I am just so excited for all of the cuteness! 

So basically, there is a mixture of daisies (red and yellow, big and small); sunflowers; yellow roses (reserved for Iman and I) and some various fillers like billyballs (omg, I love it) and small flowers that look like daisies!

This weekend also ended with most of the invites done and addressed (a few left to do), groomsmen and groom fitted and styles picked out, most everything left to buy for decorations/misc, and my MOH got her dress. The girls will have their dresses bought by the end of the month.


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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Rules of Heartbreak Round 2

Goood afternoon (morning?) my lovely readers! Having an extra day off of work always leaves me feeling more behind on my day back so I thought I would recycle a guest post today!

This one is from one of my amazing closest friends, and frankly, I couldn't have put it better myself. She's been a Warrior Queen through and through since our high school days. (She's an amazing writer too). Last night we were discussing this blog she wrote and she wanted to add some more / take some out as a more mature person.

By Nura A.

Kate Hudson just about sums it up in How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days:

“I love you, but I don’t have to like you right now.”

In fact, you hate him right now. You hate the way you love him unconditionally, the way you let him hurt you, the tiny little things he does that makes you love him more- even when you can’t stand to look at his face. Oh, and that too- you hate his face. You know, the one you’ve kissed all over and look at absentmindedly so full of love and adoration. That one.

You also hate the way you can’t get any sleep; can’t eat (ok, maybe we all kind of like this one…); have a constant headache, stomach ache, heart ache; the way you spent the entire sleepless night bawling like a child; the way the lack of sleep and crying have made your eyes both puffy and dark; the way you can’t breathe; the way you can’t get the hurt out of your head.

And of course, you hate the way you look like complete shit. You can’t be bothered to do your hair, or make-up, or anything to reduce that stupid puffiness. Or even pick a coordinating outfit.

So here we go, ladies. Rules for heartbreak. Whether you’ve broken up, or should be breaking up with him for the way he’s treated you (if he’s treating you bad enough that you’re heart breaks- RUN! You are worth more than that, but we’ll get to that later), here’s the set of rules that any Warrior Queen should follow. If only just to stay sane.


It’s hard to care unless you have the thought in the back of your mind of getting him back. Take that thought- and stomp on it. Just grind it into the ground. You should never accentuate your beauty for the sake of a man, always for yourself. Hell, even with those puffy eyes and messy hair, you’re still gorgeous. But because you don’t feel like it, take extra care to be your beautiful self. He can’t make you look like shit. It’s not his right. Besides, there’s nothing worse than finally being distracted from thinking about it and having someone ask you what’s wrong because you’re not looking, well, up to par.


All those moments when you want to text, call, or email him and shout at him for hurting you, or beg him to take you back, or whatever thought it was that possessed you to want to communicate with him- CALL A FRIEND. Pick a friend, the second that you are hurt, that you are going to call. They don’t even need to pick up. Let them know what’s going on, and most likely they’ll be happy to be there for you (otherwise you need some new friends). Just leave a voicemail saying “Hey, I wanted to call him again…” And then tell them why. Tell them what you wanted to shout or cry to him about. That boy, the immature one that hurt you so bad, needs to feel what it’s like to not have you around or here your voice. We’re not saying give them the silent treatment, just refrain, warrior queen style, from giving them you.

It’s hard, and that’s why we have the buddy system.

You need to be honest with yourself and him. [Things are never black and white in a relationship, so maybe you're on a break and it's mature...this rule applies to you - Raewyn] When he calls, feel free to pick up. But also feel free to tell him how upset and hurt you are - in a logical, reasonable way. If you can't do that, don't pick up yet.  

Be prepared to break it off. If he isn’t ready to compromise or prove to you his love, then you shouldn’t wait around for it. You need to tell him that you can’t be in a relationship with someone who isn’t willing or ready to work at it. Here is the ultimate warrior queen moment: you have to be strong enough to do what is best for you.


Plus, when it’s all said and done, you have your girls to fall back on. We are always here for you, and we will always be. Heartbreak is a part of life, and we have all experienced it (or will). We empathize, but will help you reason. So TALK TO US!

Do you have anything to add? Anything you would do differently? We'd love to hear it, especially because we're trying to fine tune this list!!

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Monday, January 20, 2014

5 Little Grins Week 15 [Link Up]

Hello late at night Monday! Happy Martin Luther King Jr day!

5 Little Grins


We'll go ahead and say it: Most people think Mondays suck / are the worst / should die a fire-y death. I'm sure you get the picture.

We've all had our fair share of bad Mondays and bad Tuesdays and just plain ol' bad days. Instead of focusing on the bad, what if we focused on the good things?

What if we focused on the little things that made us smile today, yesterday, last week? Could our whole attitude change? In time, would we find that we're having more good days than bad?

Cassandra, Paulina and I would love for you to join us on our weekly link up counting at least 5 things that made you smile in the last week. We could start our Mondays on this positive note!

Of course, this is all about encouragement, so hop on over to some other blogs and leave a positive note and make a new friend!
The Rules! (These are really just kind suggestions)

1. Follow your hosts: Cassandra, Raewyn, and Paulina!

2. Link up your post that includes 5-ish things that made you smile in the past week

3. Comment after you link up

4. Go visit some other blogs and make some friends!

5. Have fun, and don't forget to smile!!

This weekend was so crazy busy!! I completed SO much wedding stuff I am stoked, but this might be a little bit wedding heavy ;)

1. I got to see a lot of friends this weekend!

2. Our wedding invitations are 4/5 finished! I have a few left to do because I ran out of ribbons.

3. My best friend from preschool had her baby on Thursday! I cannot wait to meet him!!

4. We played Cards Against Humanity for the first time!! 

5. Our flower arrangements are going to be SO much cheaper than anticipated. I am so grateful for Iman's cousin. 

And, for some fun! Here are my pictures from Vegas...finally!!

Our home away from home <3 nbsp="" td="">

I love these mirrors #sexyshoes

Merry Christmas from the Sangaris

Fam bam + our fave taxi driver! 

Sad Pandas 

Check out his sexy Christmas top! 

umop apisdn

As you can tell, most Vegas trips are the guys and I

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Modeling Color Me a Warrior Queen

Woah! Look at me stopping by on a Saturday evening!!

It's because I have news that is just too exciting not to share. I.e. I finally felt well enough to try on the Color Me A Warrior Queen swag!! So check it out and click on this link to order!!

Also, I got contacts, hence the lack of glasses. The world is a bright place, I tell you!! 

I hope you have a wonderful day!!!  
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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Friday, January 17, 2014

January Warrior Princess Sponsor Love

Hey guys! I've got a Vlog Like a Boss coming a little later today but it is time I introduce you to some fantastic ladies that have been hanging out on my sidebar this month!!!

I'm Tori & I blog over at A Little Leigh Way! I'm a lover of video games, high heels & a good cup of tea. A Little Leigh Way is my little corner of the internet where I try to promote honesty & inspiration for women everywhere. 
Find Me Here: 

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Hey guys! My name is Stacia and I blog over at The Homey Owl! Over on my blog I share interesting stories like the time I traveled with my wedding dress, cool diy projects & recipes (try frozen hot chocolate this winter!), and my goals and dreams. When I'm not blogging, I'm a wedding planner, a book lover, a rain dancer, and a perpetual hair dyer. I also love to explore life with my husband and our amusing cat, Maximus (who you should see all wrapped in Christmas lights.) I LOVE making new friends and hope you stop by to tell me more about yourself! Let's be sidekicks!
Find Me Here:

What are you waiting for? Go check out these awesome ladies! 

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

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