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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Unexpected Death of a Pet

If you've been around for the summer you probably noticed that my life has been extremely stressful. As my classes are starting this week, I was hoping things would chill, but Tut Tut always has a different plan for me.

On Sunday my dog passed away. It was 100% unexpected.

My brother woke up in the morning and noticed that Crash was acting funny. Mostly, laying around listlessly and collapsing. Crash was 10 years old but he ran around like a puppy. They took him to the vet and he passed away shortly after they took him to the back to run tests.

My mom called me at work. I've been expecting a call about my grandfather, so when I found out it was my dog, I was a complete wreck.

Unfortunately, I had to stay at work for my whole shift. No one could come in and work for me. I didn't get to go to the vet and say goodbye to him. I really feel so weird talking about it. On the one hand, it doesn't feel real since I don't live with my mom anymore, so we didn't see him day to day.

Crash was an avid writer

When I think about it though, I get so sad and start to cry immediately. He was super silly and smart and fun. He was a rat terrier and he was big for his breed. We got him when he was 8 weeks old. I wanted to name him Spinner and we were trying to teach him how to spin. Instead, he just crashed into everything.

His puppy days!!

Crash's favorite place was Glamis. He loved going to the desert and camping. Whenever he would hear a dirtbike or see a trailer he would get so excited. We're going to spread his ashes in the desert this winter. It will be the first time we all go there as a family since I graduated from high school. It will be Iman's first time with the whole family.

He loved to give kisses! 

I don't know what to think or say, so if this comes out all scrambled that's why. I know that it was his time and I know that we will all heal, but miss him every day. There will never be another dog like him and I'm so happy that he picked our family to be his.

And he loved to be a clown with my best friends and I

Call me crazy, but I believe in ghosts and spirits and the universe making things happen when and as they should. The happenings I recount could all be coincidence, but I really feel like they are not.

When my mom went into surgery she had a dream and saw Bear and Chiquito - two dogs belonging to close family members of ours. Both dogs passed away several years ago. My mom took them as guardians for her surgery. Now we are thinking, that they were telling her it was almost Crash's time. 

Crash visiting us a few weeks ago.

In the weeks before he passed away, he was able to come and stay with Iman and I, something that had never happened before. On top of that, he was friendly with other dogs!! We were thinking about  getting him a puppy friend - something that never really happened. He loved people and cats, but didn't like other dogs, too much. 

On Sunday, after my mom left the vet, she went to her classroom to set up. Three stray puppies came running up to her classroom. She pet them and gave them food, knowing that Crash sent them to her. 

Two boy puppies!

Yesterday, we went back together and the runt of the litter was hanging out by her door alone. We were able to lull him into the room and close the doors. While trapped in the room with us, he kept letting us pet him and try to lick us. My mom went to the car and grabbed Crash's leash and put it on him. 

The runt of the litter in the classroom with Lauren (sorry it's blurry)

As soon as we tried to get him to walk while we are holding the leash, he freaked out and did a crazy dance and escaped, running over to where his siblings were. We were able to go over there and catch him still, because he trusts us! 

Runt pup sleeping at my mom's

I brought my car over to where they were and were able to coax all three into my car!! My mom took them home. They all have some element of Crash to them. Iman and I are sort of in love with the girl one, which works perfect because my mom and brother fell in love with the boys!

This little girl. 

So.. we will see. These dogs cannot replace our beloved Crash, but I know that he sent them to us so that we could all heal and he sent those dogs to us because he knew we would give them amazing homes. 

Have you ever lost a pet? How long did you wait until you got a new one? 

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  1. Katie @ A Beautiful Little AdvSeptember 2, 2014 at 5:52 AM

    Losing pets is the one thing that will always make me cry, no matter what...I'm so sad for you.

  2. So sorry to hear about Crash. Losing a pet is never easy. They are apart of the family!
    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. New dog/dogs are never the same. You've long forgotten what a puppy was really like so it seems more difficult. Our first family dog will always be remembered as perfect but we all love our new dogs. You'll call them the old dog's name once in awhile n feel guilty. It happens. Each is their own furry person n things get better. It's been 3 years since we got our 2 "new" dogs n they're great. Every time someone tells me their dog died or I watch/read about childhood pets, I get all emotional. Crash will be around in spirit :)

  4. Aww, Raewyn, I am so very sorry to hear this. You're in my thoughts.

  5. It's so heartbreaking to lose a pet. I've lost two. The one I grew up with, an Old English Sheepdog, was TERRIBLE! I remember I didn't talk to my parents for a week after he passed. It was hard to lose my fur-brother. I wasn't as heartbroken (as terrible as that sounds) over our second dog, a Newfoundland. He never compared to our first so I got over it pretty quick. I can't imagine losing any of the family dogs we have now. They go EVERYWHERE with us! I'm sorry for your loss.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear of Crash's passing. It is so difficult to lose a beloved pet. After 15 good years, we lost our beloved Basset Hound. It was about 6-7 months later that we brought home Leo -- our new beloved chocolate Lab. Leo is now almost 7 years old and like our Basset Hound, part of the family!

  7. Thank you so much Katie! I'm definitely having one of the worst weeks, and miss him so much

  8. They really are!! They do so much more than just live with you

  9. I don't even know how you could have gotten 2 dogs that looked similar to Rocksie! I would be a mess. Our puppies look similar, but they are mostly black insteaad of mostly white. One of them totally has Crash's face though. Thanks for your support always lady!

  10. Ahhh, It was my first time losing a dog. We had lost cats when I was younger, but this was our first dog we owned! I am feeling more sad now, the more it hits me. I understand what you mean though - I think it is harder to lose a pet from childhood

  11. aww, thank you so much Aunt Barbara!! It is so difficult to lose him! My mom's dad passed away yesterday morning, as well. I told my mom Crash was just making sure heaven was ready for grandpa

  12. Aww... that's very sad. I'm sorry for your loss. Our pets are not just pets, they are family members. I am glad you got to spend a little time with him before he passed. It took me a while to get another animal when my dog passed and it feels weird sometimes, loving this new animal so much, like I feel guilty almost. But then I'm like wait, this animal I have now is so dear to me and I am not replacing my old friend, I am just making a new one. Then you will just have awesome fond memories of Crash and be happy when you think about the time you spent with him!

  13. 😙 hugs and kisses

  14. Thank you so much!! This is exactly what I needed to read!! We were going to wait awhile, but he sent us these monsters!! (We love them) I do feel sort of guilty loving these new pups, but I remember that it is a different type of love, as it is with people

  15. I love you BFF! Crash loved you, too!!!!


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