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Monday, September 1, 2014

Weekly Wishes #6

1// Start school on a great note. Well, Wednesday was a little bit out of control, but I am confident that everything will be smooth for my first week of classes! I grabbed a ream of paper and printed everything out for a binder...can't wait for my Erin Condren to come in!! (If you use my referral code, you can get $10 off!)

2// Pack lunches. Yep! Good job Raewyn!

3// Eat breakfast everyday. Woah, there was a close moment there, but I managed to have my breakfast at 11 am, which I count because it was still AM.

4// Set up my doctor appointments I got one of two set up!

5//Return our last few wedding gifts. I was supposed to do this yesterday, but then my doggy died :( 

This week things are a little #OOC. Lemme do a quick breakdown for you...I'll say more in my life lately post tomorrow...

Today: Help my mom in her classroom, bbq at Jess, clean my apartment
Tuesday: Work in LA to fix Weds' stuff, psych appt, Boudin's dinner, drop kitties off at Sam's. Mom starts chemo.
Wednesday: Work, Check into hotel while they termite tent our apartment
Thursday: ditto
Friday: oil change, check out of hotel, work
Saturday: dress shopping for Jess's wedding!
Sunday: work and breatheeeeeee 

So, that means these goals are going to be VERY simple...I'm always saying that I like to set myself up for success...

1//Blog as much as possible.

2//Leave for work before 6 am, so I can have some blog reading relax time before work.

3//Get everything situated for this termite situation!

4// Enjoy our stay at the hotel (paid for by our apartment complex).

The Nectar Collective

What are your goals for this next week?

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:


  1. You seem to have forgotten to put in have a video chat with Paulina. XP We have a lot of work to do missy do not forget! And I must plan them in before I get any further out in my Planner.

  2. It looks like you had a really productive week last week. I'm sorry to hear about your doggy though.

  3. Oh wow, what a busy week! Termites are such a drag- we had them when we first moved in to our house too. And I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I hope you find the perfect dress for the wedding and that staying in a hotel feels like a vacation for you!

  4. You're going to love your Erin Condren! Mine has made this first week of school so much easier, and I'm so glad I got one!

  5. You did such a good job meeting the goals you set for yourself last week! Way to go!! I used to participate in this link up all the time...I miss it and might join in again soon. :)

  6. Hi, I'm visiting from the link-up.
    Simple goals are the best ones ;)
    Seems like you'll have a great week! Hope you can achieve your weekly wishes.
    Greetings ♥.

  7. hahaha, we have so much work to do!! AHHH! I hope this next week calms down!

  8. Thank you so much Heather!! Last week was pretty productive :)

  9. Thank you so much Lauren! You are so sweet!! They are a drag, but it will work out! I'm so sad about my dog - thank you so much for your kind words.

  10. ahh, I'm so jealous! I wanted to order it earlier, but I couldn't! I can't wait to get it :)

  11. Yes! Join in again!! thank you! I am surprised at how successful I was

  12. Thank you so much!! Nice to meet you!

  13. Love you!!!! Cheers to a fabulous week!!!


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