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Monday, September 29, 2014

Weekly Wishes #10

Some days I wonder why it's so much harder to meet goals than other days. I'm sure you've also wondered the same. It's important to remember that why you may not reach your goals, you have still been productive. When this happens I  count all of the productive things I've done...alongside of all of the moments that I've felt happy, smiled or relaxed. 

It is important to make goals and to reach them, but life is not a checklist - though lists are fun. Life is lived in the in between times. :)

1// Go to Yoga! Dangit, I definitely went to none of the yoga classes I scheduled. I had some insomnia. 

2//Attend all of my social engagements. I attended around half of the events I had planned. 

3// Keep working on WordPress!  

4// Keep reading. I read a little more, but I wouldn't count it as a finished goal.

The Nectar Collective

1// Catch up on some work. I'm feeling overwhelmed again, hence why last week's goals did not get met! 

2// Make muchos progress on WordPress.  I just keep dreaming about my WordPress!!

3// Clean our bedroom. Clothes, clothes are everywhere!

4// Start October off with a bang. September, you've done quite a number on me, let's have a calmer October, how does that sound?

I hope you did better with your goals last week!!
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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:


  1. Power to WordPress!! Let me know if you need help.

  2. Good luck on your wishes! I feel you on September... it was quite a busy month! I hope October is a bit quieter!

    Zoe | La Vie en Zoe

  3. Hooray for WordPress but that's sad about Yoga! Hopefully you can go soon. I plan on starting October with a bang as well! I have a trip to NYC planned that I can't wait for <3

  4. The good thing is your making a list and trying to get through...remember, slow and steady wins the race :D

  5. Such a great idea to do this. Making weekly goals makes you more accountable, and likely to reach them! I need to do the same haha

  6. It's good that you aren't too hard on yourself! I am definitely type A and feel like I've done something wrong if I spend a few hours in sweatpants watching Netflix...but sometimes you need those lazy moments to tackle the next big thing head on!

  7. I think I've completely my goals for this week ahead of time, which is the first time in a long time. I usually way behind.

  8. I love that you call your goals "weekly wishes". It makes them more fun an less stressful. I too keep dreaming about my Wordpress. Lol

  9. It's definitely easy to get behind when so much is going on. You'll get everything you want to get done this week. I feel it.

  10. Ooo I love the start off october with a bang!! That is my goal this week :)

  11. I have been plenty social this past week however I def need to be more frugal. Eating out is SO expensive and since I don't/can't cook I pay for it in my pocket. i think I should make a goal to cook at least 2-3 times to cook a week.

  12. I hope all your weekly wishes come true this week :)

  13. Good luck with Wordpress! There is so much more you can do with it. I love it!

  14. I LOVE making a list, too! I might not get everything done, but there's something so satisfying about crossing things off of it!

  15. Hey, if you ever need someone to attend those social engagements with, let me know [; Haha I love this list! Especially the cleaning your bedroom one because I've actually seen your bedroom! And love that picture of the balloons! I can't wait for the next blogger event!

  16. Lists are super fun to me. :) Good luck with this week's goals!

  17. I am the same as you, I only get to about half the events I originally plan on. Haha.

  18. Hubby is out of town so I have lots of time to get myself organized and I need it!

  19. I feel like making it to half the events is pretty normal. But good for you for being the change you wish you see in the world ;)

  20. I am not sure. I want to create it all myself! But I'm also sort of lazy LOL

  21. Ah, that is so exciting!! I'm jealous!! I know I will get to yoga soon!!

  22. Yes! Join in!! We share them on The Nectar Collective!

  23. haha, oh I definitely get disappointed with myself. I just try to give myself a peptalk on my blog!

  24. yes! It is all in the way you look at it!! Are you working on your Wordpress? I spent all night at work outlining the sections in my brain!

  25. yes! Make a goal like that!! I am making a goal like that for myself, too!! Eating out is the worst - and my biggest weakness!

  26. Thank you! I am so excited about it!

  27. Ahh, that is so exciting! I can't wait to see them!!

  28. yes! That is exactly it! It is so motivating :)

  29. Great goals! I definitely also need to work on the 'go to yoga' one. It totally helps me clear my head, but I always talk myself out of going.

  30. hahaha oh gosh, my bedroom is such a wreck! It is all just clothes -everywhere! I can't wait either! I will invite you to all of them!

  31. hahaha, as long as I'm not alone! It is pretty difficult with so few hours in the day

  32. ah! That is the best! Although, when my hubby is out of town I do LESS productive things

  33. thank you so much Camille!! I;m glad I'm not the only one who doesn't make it to all of the events!

  34. Awesome goals! The yoga one is going to be a must for me after the baby is born.

  35. I totally need to start October off with a bang. It's my favorite month of the year, so it needs to be a good one.

  36. If only we could be yoga buddies! I've been wanting to start going to classes, too!

  37. Going to yoga is so easy to put off!

  38. I haven't set any goals all month because I just know I won't hit them... My goal for this week is to workout at least twice - hopefully 3 or 4 times, we'll see how that goes lol

  39. I try to set a few goals a month, too. :) Sometimes I make them, sometimes not, but it's nice to have something to aim for each month.

  40. Having a great October sounds good to me! I need to catch up on work too.

  41. I think my goals are pretty similar this week. I've just got so much work to do and so little time. x.x

  42. I second a calm October! I hope you have a great week and you accomplish more than you think you can. Here's to a strong start of October tomorrow. :)

  43. I have a horrible flu and I stayed completely away from the computer the whole weekend. I'm still not doing very well, so No, I haven't been able to meet my goals.

  44. Thank you!! I think you should definitely take time for yoga - but don't overwhelm yourself!!

  45. ahhh, yes it does! I love October, too!!

  46. I'm glad I'm not the only one! It is so wonderful though!!

  47. Goal setting can be so discouraging!! Good luck with the workout!! I SUCK at working out :( Well, not the actual act, but the getting to the act

  48. Some days I wish I could put time on slo-mo and myself on hyperdrive!

  49. Aww, thank you so much! So far, everything is going great!!

  50. oh no!!! I hope you feel better soon - rest!!

  51. Ah, I didn't do any yoga either! Next week?

  52. Thank you! Yes, getting better bit by bit. Hopefully next weekend will be better and I'll get some work done with my blog.

  53. My whole house looks like a bomb has exploded! Clothes everywhere in every room!

  54. I didn't make it to yoga as much as I planned. Have the same wordpress goal this week/month :-)

  55. Did you have a crazy September, too?

  56. eeek, story of my life! Though the dishes exploded in the other rooms, mostly!!

  57. Yay!! How is your WordPress going? Mine is still a little stalled, catching up with other blog stuff


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