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Monday, September 15, 2014

Weekly Wishes #8

Last week, was awesome as far as getting things done and as far as relationships go! My anxiety was a little bit higher. I would imagine this is because of the repercussions of everything, as well as coming off of my anxiety medicine. 

I hadn't told anyone in blogland yet, but I've had quite a problem getting a follow-up appointment with my psychologist. They wouldn't renew my medicine without a follow-up appointment (Smart, thank you for being diligent) but they weren't flexible with me to get an appointment. I asked if the doctor could call me (this happened the day my grandfather died) and it has now been a week and a half with no call from the doctor. 

I couldn't find a different doctor (and my primary wouldn't give me a perscription) so I decided to try to go off of it. It took me awhile to adjust, but now that everything has come to a head for me (which is usually when my anxiety lessens, I'm very good at having anxiety prior to an event or crisis), I am hoping it calms down. Let's see how this next week turns out!!

1// Take care of a lot of loose ends - well, I did mostly everything except for the returns! RAWR

2// Don't wait for my friends to check up on me to talk to them. I could have done better at this, but I didn't completely fail

3// Understand Unity!!!! SUCCESS!!! I did wonderful at this! 

4// Do everything I can for the puppies I helped out as best I can, can't wait to bring Bella home!

5// Have dinner with my padre. We had an awesome Taco Tuesday!

The Nectar Collective

I finally got my Erin Condren! Which means I am spending my week organizing as best I can! I am loving it so far!

1// Pick my Wordpress Theme! Last week when I saw my dad, I found out he already had my WP all set up for me to set it up (good job Raewyn for not realizing that's what he said) 

2// Clean out my car. I definitely need to do this and need for it to stick this way! I used to have a box that worked in my old truck (if it didn't fit in the box, it couldn't stay in my car. I'm thinking of trying that out. 

3// Write my submission for HerCampus's Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 

4// Begin a journal. I've been meaning to do this one for awhile!

What do you wish you could get done this week? 

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:


  1. I am hoping you anxiety is lessening by the day. It isn't fun to live with so I completely understand and feel your frustrations on your doctor not returning your call. As for your to do list- love it! I love journaling, it helps me so much!

  2. I can't decide between the Erin Condren and the Simplied Planner from Emily Ley. They both have their upside and their downside for me.

  3. 5 out of 5 goals achieved, well done lady! :)

  4. I just ordered my planner this weekend, so I am anxiously awaiting its arrival! :) And I hope that the anxiety fades away- I went through a period of time where I suffered from anxiety, but thankfully I was able to recover from all of it.

    Have a great day!

  5. I'm happy you're starting to adjust but it does suck that your doctor did not call you back and you're having trouble finding another.

  6. You rock for accomplishing everything from last week! I wrote in journals for over a decade, but I quit writing in them a few years back. I want to start up again--it's therapeutic AND they are fun to go back and read years later. Hope you get to start yours soon. :)

  7. Aren't the Erin Condren planners amazing? Seriously have no idea what the difference is between hers and a regular planner, but I always love using them. Lol.

  8. I love the proactively checking up your friends. I feel like we so often wait for others to come to us.

  9. Thank you for sharing! I have been there with anxiety. I'm very open and very here to talk through some of this if you ever have a flair-up and need an ear from someone who's been there and isn't super involved. And I mean that! Thanks for the bravery in being open. You are beautiful!!!:)

  10. I have been meaning to get back into writing in my journal! It's hard to keep it up, though! Great list!

  11. Thank you! My goal is to start tonight! If only I could find my old journal!! Also, thank you! I think I am doing okay with the anxiety- at least today I did!

  12. What I love the most about the EC is that it reminds me of how I made my planner s in high school. There is a quote for each month, tons of room and division of my day! I love it!! I haven't taken a look at Emily's planner though!

  13. ahha it was so awesome! At the bar by my dad's work, they do unlimited tacos with the purchase of a drink!

  14. Thank you! I was not expecting to be so productive but I am so happy I was!

  15. Thank you! I have had anxiety since childhood, but sometimes it is difficult to find a moment without it. I have been doing pretty good! AH! Can't wait to see your planner! I love mine

  16. I really need to clean out my car too. Like, badly. 0_o

  17. Thank you! My main problem is that in the next 9 months I will have to switch to my husband's health insurance and he's in between switching insurances so I don't want to get attached to a doctor and have to change!

  18. Thank you! My goal is to write something today - even if it is a simple recount of my day! My best friend journaled every single day of high school and we love going back and reading it!

  19. hahaha, I feel like there is more room and options with my EC!

  20. It's true! I am guilty of it sometimes, but I really love staying on top of it!

  21. I like the weekly wishes idea, so much fun!

  22. Thank you so much! I may take you up on that! I am here as well! I really want to be active in the mental health community!

  23. So hard to keep up! I haven;t regularly journaled since 2008!

  24. Me too! The Nectar Collective started it!

  25. I think keeping a journal is great! You can vent out your unhappiness and even keep memories of the good ones. Win-win situation. Good luck for this week!

  26. Congrats one the Erin Condren planner! Organization is one of the only things that gets me through those super tough days <3

  27. I love these kind of posts! Good luck with the organizing!

  28. Girl.

    I feel like I'm ALWAYS saying I need to clean out my car. That box trick might work for me. But then again, I'm so utterly disorganized and messy that I'm losing faith anything will work.

    Going off medicine is hard, so I'm glad every thing is settling for you. Keep letting us know how you're doing, okay?!

    Have a great week :)
    (Come to Vegas? Yes? Okay!)


  29. Love the taco dinner with the padre!

  30. I adore the box in the car idea! My family should definitely adopt that. Always finding the most random things in there!

    Katie <3

  31. I need to clean out my trunk and take some stuff to Goodwill. lol thank you for reminding me!!!

  32. Look at you checking things off your list! So awesome! I love this idea for sure!!

  33. I'm seriously considering an Erin Condren planner because I need to keep my personal planner, salon client appointments, and photography client appointments all in one place so I don't overlap anything.

  34. I love Erin Condren planners - I've used them for two years. But I got to the point where there wasn't enough writing room so I had to create my own planner using printables and a binder, lol.

  35. Great job meeting your goals last week! I need to clean my car out this week too.

  36. Is this your first Erin Condren? I'd love to know your thoughts on it in a month or 2... I just bought a Kate Spade organizer for $25 but I'm still drooling over the EC ones... having a hard time with the $125 (including shipping) price tag.

  37. Your weekly wishes reminds me I am in desperate need of cleaning out my vehicle too. Its getting horrible! lol.

  38. Exactly! I started journaling last night, then got pulled away - probably mid sentence. It will be a work in progress :P

  39. It really changes things!! Thanks :)

  40. hahaha ohh Zauni, I love you!

    Yes, Vegas ASAP!!!!

    The box trick really worked in my little truck because I had two seats - mine and the passenger. So I kept the box on the passenger seat and I would have to move it to the bed of the truck if someone was sitting in my car, but now I have a backseat, and it doesn't work as well as it did. I'm determined though, my car is always a wreck! It's like the amount of things I get into the car with multiplies by 4 when i go to leave the car

  41. hahaha, me too! The box definitely works well! If you have kids, you can give them a mini box, too. I try to do once a week clean out of the box (or when it gets full) I got one of the square boxes from Target

  42. Oh gosh, I'm not even looking into my trunk there's too much stuff!

  43. hahaha, I definitely can't delegate the cleaning of the inside of my car. My husband would tell me I need to be more responsible with my things!!

    I have a code for $10 off an Erin Condren, email me!

  44. Thank you!! Check out The Nectar Collective to join in!

  45. yes! That would be such a great idea! Right now I'm also using post it notes for things that might move around, I'm sure there are some cute things like that I could purchase off of Etsy! I have a $10 off code for EC, let me know if you want it!

  46. oh gosh!! I have a binder for my blog stuff, and a binder for work so I think that my planner SHOULD be enough. I feel like a student because I'm always carrying all of this around with me

  47. Thank you! Good luck on the cleaning!

  48. This is my first one!! Ah, why is it so much for you? Is it because you live in Canada?? Mine was $55 but I have a $10 off code you could have! I bought just the planner, but I will let you know how I feel about it next month!!

  49. hahaha it is so hard to be motivated to do it when it's hot in the summer!

  50. This week I want to finish the last step of this revision of my book, so I can send it out to my readers. And grats on your puppy!!

  51. I'd really just love to get through all my e-mails for once. My inbox is out.of.control!

  52. Good job on getting some of that done. I have a written list by my desk of things I need/want to do each week. It seems when I make a list I push myself to get a little more done

  53. Ugh! I need to clean out my car too. No fun. Congrats on last week's successes!

  54. OMG, I just ordered my Erin Condren and still waiting for it. For close to $85 I truly hope it's worth the money and the wait.

    Thrifting Diva

  55. Haha no kids yet... give me a few more years ;) <3

  56. good going with the goals and hope you get an appointment soon x

  57. I am bad about checking in with friends and loved ones. I get caught up in the day to day.

  58. I started weekly wishes because of you! Ill have to get back into it again! so that's my wish! great going with the meds! hopefully you'll get an appointment soon!

  59. I was actually going to do that today and was like... ehhh nah.... and went inside to work on my blog LMAO!

  60. I need to do planning with my blogging. Right now it's almost day by day basis and it's just too much stress.

  61. I need to start making a mental to do list. I usually get the small things done, but I'll forget something major and be pissed at myself.

  62. I just got my Plum Planner last week! I was so excited to start getting organized. I'd like to come up with a domain name by the end of the week...

  63. I love your weekly wishes posts! Very motivating.

  64. Yeah shipping is like $50 or $60... it's insane!

  65. I would love the code! Not 100% sure I am ordering this week, but if I can squirrel away the money its a done deal lol.

  66. Yes!! That is awesome! Let me know when it's finished!

  67. Ah, I am one of those perpetual seekers of inbox zero and I will never achieve it! I hope you do!!

  68. That is exactly how I am!! I hope you've accomplished your list this week :)

  69. Thank you!! I am so in love with it! I keep telling everyone they need one!

  70. It will totally be worth it! I didn't get any add ons though!!

  71. hahaha I thought so, but I didn't want to assume!

  72. Me too! I think that is normal, sadly

  73. ah, thank you so much!! I hope you get back on the wishes train! It is so awesome!

  74. I agree!! I always plan and then get overwhelmed and end up day by day and being stressed! Definitely need to get on a better track!

  75. Ugh, I get that same way! That's why I list them out!

  76. Good luck! I'd love to hear your domain name!!

  77. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy them!

  78. oh my gatos!! I just looked up the priority flat rate price for me to ship it and it was $40! WOW!!!

  79. hahaha ditto. But I am DEFINITELY DOING IT BY THE END OF TODAY!!

  80. I love this! I think its helpful to do this to get your week on track.

  81. What a great way to keep track of what needs to be done...& not the usual To-Do list either!

  82. Agreed! Even when I don't meet some of my goals

  83. I suffer from anxiety, too. Great job on tying up those loose ends. Just getting going on stuff like that can be such a challenge!

  84. haha, I've always been against the typical to-do list, but having a to-do list is SO helpful!

  85. Thank you! It really can be such a challenge. That's why I think a goal list is so important!


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