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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

By The Porchlight Giveaway

As fun as the holiday season is, it's tough... on the wallet and on the nerves. You deserve a break. Let us treat you to a little post-Xmas gift. Enter to win $35 in Amazon gift cards AND some great ad space!

Good luck! Please enter to win these great prizes below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to buy your shirts!!!

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Life With a Side of Coffee December Giveaway

I've got one more giveaway for you all! Since I've been sick, I haven't had the chance to post these awesome giveaways!

Here are your prizes starting from the top left corner moving clockwise:
Codi from The Art of Balance - $10 Starbucks
Jennifer from Homespun Happiness - $10 Starbucks and 2 Months Large Ad Space on Busy Being Jennifer
Brigid Gallagher Photography - 8x10 Chicago-Related Professional Photo (scenic, Stanley Cup, etc)
Raewyn from Be A Warrior Queen - Ad Space and Starbucks
Christine from Life With A Side Of Coffee (ME!) - 1 month large ad space and $5 Starbucks
Christin from Manicures and Extra Sprinkles Please - $10 Starbucks
Elizabeth from Girl Got Glitter - Ad Space
Chelsee from Southern Beauty Guide - Featured Ad Space

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Color Me a Warrior Queen SHIRTS ON SALE NOW!

Okay my bloggy people, I FINALLY am announcing our super amazing, wonderful T-shirt sales!!!

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I hope you have been anxiously anticipating this announcement like I have. First, I need to warn you though - I'm still sick, so I might not make 100% sense. I know, that's not the best way to announce a new brand or sell things, but I'm always going to tell you like it is [and probably overshare].

But anyway!! Paulina and I have been planning this for forever, as you might remember. We finally announced that we were going to do it, instead of waiting until next summer because I'm just too excited.

We've tested a couple of companies, and I've got some shirts to return that were not up to our quality. Finally we found an amazing place - thanks to one of my besties referring us to them.

Okay, okay, I know you just want to see the shirts!

So they're American Apparel suuuper soft and we have both women's and men's sizes.

Here's the form to fill out, and as soon as mine come in the mail you will see some beautiful model pictures of me in the shirts ;)

So what are you waiting for?? Normally, we will close our sales on The 15th of every month, but this first month we are going to keep it open until the end of the month because we love you all!!

So what are you waiting for??

p.s. Happy New Years Eve!

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Confessions of a Blogger

Hellooo my little blog! I have felt like I've been away for so long! Sorry about that, that's what the holidays can do to ya. I don't even remember what post I had planned for today, and I have a ton of comments to catch up on! On the brightside, I'm all caught up on my blog readings - although since I was so behind I did some of that in stealth mode.

I also wanted to say WELCOME to all of my new followers and THANK YOU to those who filled out my survey. You can still fill it out here. I would love any feedback!

Anyway, I decided to do something fun today because my house is a wreck and I still have some Christmas festivities to attend to...Thank you Danielle @ A Writer in Love for tagging me!! :)

"Confessions of a Blogger"

1. When did you first start blogging and why?
I started blogging in 2003. My friends had blogs on Xanga and LiveJournal and I wanted to partake. I first used my blog to keep in touch with my friends while I was traveling during the summer after freshman year. I've had various blogs over the years. This one I began in 2009 to start the Warrior Queen movement! 

2. Have you had any past online presence?
Oh yes, I do. You can probably find me all over the web. As I mentioned above, I had a Xanga. I also spent most of my days after I finished homework on a messageboard for dirtbikers. Then I got a Myspace, Facebook, Twitter...etc. I tend to get into new websites and technology early on. You can probably find a couple of weebly's out there from various assignments, as well as a couple of tumblrs. I do update my online resume periodically as well. You can find that here

3. When did you become serious about your blog?
I really got serious about my blog this summer. I've always gotten serious and then it would dwindle while I was stuck with school and work, on top of blogging. Now that I only work, I have more time. I used to do weekly Vlogs, which I am attempting to start back up again. 

4. What was your first blog post?
This was my first blog post on this blog. I didn't even include pictures at the time. 

5. What have been your biggest challenges blogging?
My bloggest challenge in blogging is disciplining myself to write regularly. I'm not one who is great at creating habits. I get side tracked and busy doing other things...or spending time on stumble upon. I used to have a difficult time with content, but in the last year that has changed dramatically. With this being my only intellectual outlet (as opposed to when I was drained in school), I have had more, wonderful ideas. I'm looking forward to getting back to some serious topics, as well. 

6. What is the most rewarding thing about blogging?
There are people who read my blog. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO READ MY BLOG! Who want to buy t-shirts and want my wristbands that I got as a Christmas gift TWO years ago! I am so in awe of and in love with all of my readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

7. What is the most discouraging thing about blogging?
I think the most discouraging part, for me, is that I wanted the Warrior Queen idea to spread faster. Whenever I tell people about it, they seem excited, but no action has really been taken by me, or them. 

8. What is your lasting inspiration or motivation?
I am forever inspired by the Warrior Queen movement. I am inspired by the feedback I receive and the blogs that I read. 

9. What is your blogging dirty little secret?
I think my blogging dirty secret would be.........that I know how to create the images and do the html for my own site, but I'm too lazy to. I'd rather pay someone than do it. I know this might change. 

10. What is your current goal as a blogger?
I think that my current "big goal" is to get better at blog promotion. I used to do it as a job, so it feels like that - a job. But if I want to get my words out there, I need to do more promoting! I'm going to go over my whole list of blogging goals tomorrow, hopefully. 

11. Have you learned or become passionate about anything through blogging that caught you by surprise? 
I am becoming more passionate about keeping things clean and organized! I take a look at everyone else's beautiful pictures of their homes or how they stay organized and I am starting to feel like less of a hot mess!! 

I hope you enjoyed reading my blogging confessions!  I'm going to tag the following bloggers:

Tori @ A Little Leigh Way
Natalie @ All Things Natalie Christa
Rachel @ How to Be Rachel 
Laura @ Laura in Wonderland
Brittany @ Life Changes

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!!

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Monday, December 23, 2013

5 Little Grins Link Up [Week 11]

You guys I don't mean to brag but I'm pretty proud of myself for posting this while in bed in Vegas from my Galaxy s3. But I was too excited not to post!! ♡

5 Little Grins


We'll go ahead and say it: Most people think Mondays suck / are the worst / should die a fire-y death. I'm sure you get the picture.

We've all had our fair share of bad Mondays and bad Tuesdays and just plain ol' bad days. Instead of focusing on the bad, what if we focused on the good things?

What if we focused on the little things that made us smile today, yesterday, last week? Could our whole attitude change? In time, would we find that we're having more good days than bad?

Cassandra, Paulina and I would love for you to join us on our weekly link up counting at least 5 things that made you smile in the last week. We could start our Mondays on this positive note!

Of course, this is all about encouragement, so hop on over to some other blogs and leave a positive note and make a new friend!
The Rules! (These are really just kind suggestions)

1. Follow your hosts: Cassandra, Raewyn, and Paulina!

2. Link up your post that includes 5-ish things that made you smile in the past week

3. Comment after you link up

4. Go visit some other blogs and make some friends!

5. Have fun, and don't forget to smile!!

This is what made me grin this past week!!

1. I got a lot off of my chest last week and are moving in a positive direction direction again! 
2.I have antibiotics for my sinusitis. Seriously , I always have it! Maybe I need surgery oe something.  But I'm happy today!
3. This past weekend has been amazing...might need to do a recap!
4. I have a new "nephew!" I can't wait to get my DTAP on Thursday so I can hold him! 
5.  Family time tomorrow!!!!!!!! 
Bonus grin: I'm now at 250 bloglovin followers!! You guys ROCK!!!!
What are you smiling about this week?

What 5 things made you smile this week?  Blog about it, then link up with us!  Check out what made everyone else smile too while you're at it!

1. Cassi @ The World From the View of Two Teenage Girls CO-HOST  3. Linda 5 big grins  
2. Raewyn @ Be a Warrior Queen CO-HOST  4. Rachel @ How to be Rachel  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

A Naked Christmas Giveaway

Hi guys!

So I swear I had some awesome posts planned, even my very first tutorial post but then something happened...I got sick the week before Vegas. Now I'm in Vegas and let's just say there isn't that much time to post blogs. So, I might be M.I.A. until after Christmas, but I will be back! I love you all! Enjoy this amazingly awesome giveaway that I'm doing over at True Vintage Love!

True Vintage Love | © 2013 | A Naked Christmas Giveaway, Urban Decay, Urban Decay Naked, Urban Decay Naked Basics, Urban Decay Naked Flushed, Urban Decay Super Saturated High Gloss Lip Color, Urban Decay Giveaway

I'm super excited to bring you an AWESOME giveaway hosted by me and some of my best blog friends! This giveaway is for Urban Decay's Naked Basics Palette, Flushed Palette, and Super Saturated High Gloss Lip Color in "Naked!" I absolutely love these products and we're sure you will to! Here are the girls behind the giveaway:

Brittney | True Vintage Love
Sarah | Sarrrah Girl
Kari | This, Too

These are some awesome ladies and I'm super glad I met them. Go check their blogs out and enter the giveaway below. The winner will be announced on the 31st!

Happy Holidays & Good luck! :)

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P.s. Can I say that the name of this giveaway is totally fitting considering I'm in Vegas right now. Maybe this year I will gamble in my onesie! ;)

Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Friday, December 20, 2013

Why do we let fear rule us?

Why do I let the fear of what could happen rule my day-to-day actions and emotions?

Why do we, as a society, let fear rule us?

I always talk about facing my fears and being brave and working on myself but I've been neglecting that. I've been too scared.

What have I been scared of, you may ask?

  • I've been too scared that one day Iman will pack up and leave because I've driven him over the edge.
  • I've been too scared to let go of the way I've been treated in the past - too scared and dependent on the way boyfriends previously loved me - always trying to prove to me their love when it may not have been there
  • I've been too scared to let myself relax
  • I've been too scared to face financial fears
  • I've been too scared to plan the deep parts of the wedding. 
  • I've been too scared to face the people who hurt me - perhaps even unknowingly
  • I've been too scared to make, and keep, new best friends
  • I've been too scared to re-evaluate some relationships in my life
  • I've been too scared to give in to Tut and the universe and be love.
  • I've been too scared to take a deep breath and let go. 
  • I've been too scared to be alone. 
  • I've been too scared to be me. 
I'm working on fixing all of this right now - recognizing my actions and my coping methods and forcing myself to face things. I'm working on remembering the things that make me happy when I'm by myself. I'm working on journaling, taking yoga, relaxing. I'm working on looking at the things online that broaden my intelligence, instead of finding things that make me laugh as a means to relieve stress. I'm working on laughing deeper. [Most people who know me very well know that I "quack" when I laugh really hard. Lately, I've noticed that I rarely laugh that hard anymore]. I'm working on reading more and giving back more. 

What are you too scared to face? What are you working on to improve yourself? 

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wednesday Night Epiphanies

Last night, as I had yet another night of insomnia I decided that I might need to get this checked out. I don't think it's normal to sleep as little as I do. I might be about to get super serious on you, but I know that somehow my anxiety disorder is involved and somehow I need to figure this ish out before I drive everyone around me insane.

I think that I am on the correct path. I think that I lost myself for a little bit. I'm not too sure how, but I think I'm still doing some adjusting and need to do some looking at myself. In this, my blog posts might change. Originally, this blog was very full of serious posts. Then things became lighter as I had less seriousness in my life - less worries to figure out. I think during that time I forgot to keep doing some self- evaluations and figure out ways I can treat myself better or be a better version of me.

It may sound silly, but I think that I actually got more self-absorbed by not thinking about myself - well, my true self. I don't like being self-absorbed, although I definitely think that a degree of selfishness is necessary in every person.

I have a lot of things planned for 2014 - a lot of fun blog things. Some serious, some not so serious. Hopefully they all continue my growth as a blogger and as a human being. I'm curious to know what you, my readers, want to see more of. Please fill out the form below to let me know!!

On that same note, I want to also divulge that, while I blog pretty regularly now, I may blog more sporadically in the new year. It is getting closer to my wedding and I might get burned out. I'm not sure, I've never planned anything so big as my life with another person. I am excited. I am scared. I am happy.

But I'm also not happy. I'm not sure if this is common or if I am the only weird one out there but at night, I get incredibly sad sometimes. Maybe I'm letting the stressors from the day finally hit me; maybe I'm not focusing on the feelings I need to focus on; maybe I just need more sleep but this is definitely something I need to fix.

So if you ask how I am and I tell you I'm happy, I am. I am incredibly happy and thankful for my life. I'm just trying to figure my head out.

While trying to get my brain to shut off last night I read a lot of my really old posts - I'm taking 2009 and 2010. I feel like I was going through a pretty big life transition back then.  Here are some examples:

Passing Judgement
Rumor Has It
Girl Cruelty and Jealousy
Big Changes, Big Problems
Be Love

Please let me know what you think about these posts and what direction my blog is heading in :)

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: A Pat on my Back

Happy Wedding Wednesday!!

Last week I spoke with my wedding coordinator, Liz, because sometimes I get in a little bit of a panic.

Like, when I look at those "to do" lists for brides and it says I have to do something by a certain time and I haven't done that something yet. Liz assures me that it is A-OKAY. Especially if you read her book The Mad Dash Down The Aisle. I loved it! It always calms me down!

Anyway, I am going to make myself a list of minor goals, and give myself a pat on the back for the other things I've accomplished during the holiday season!


- reach out to our officiant and nail it down
- set up a date to meet with my uncle re: music
- speak with Iman's cousin and set up a date for our meeting with the florist
- go to the bra store!
- make a list of all of the things we need to buy (including things for the DIY)
- go to the Social Security Administration and get a new card
- apply for passport
- when Iman gets his bonus, buy our honeymoon plane ticket!
- finish up wedsite
- look at wedding band designs while in Vegas [our jeweler is in Vegas]

Accomplishments in December:

- order and receive invitations (YAY!)
- Girls' bridesmaid's dresses!
- purchase bridesmaid's gifts -- they don't know I did this ;)
- purchase some of my wedding jewelry
- choose wedding cocktails
- save a good chunk of our venue cost!
- start getting into shape and eating healthy as a couple!! Finally!

Do you ever get in a little tizzy about all of the wedding things to do? How do you battle it? 

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P.s. We are STILL looking for someone to take our old venue if anyone knows anyone interested!

Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ten Days of Christmas Tag

Brittney at True Vintage Love tagged me in this Christmas survey! I love Christmas and I love survey's so it's basically perfection! 

1. What do you love the most about Christmas time?
I love that I get to spend time with all of my family all together!! :) It seems like it is the one time a year we all get a chance to get together again.

The women on my mom's side :) 
 I just realized I take a picture with my cousin/namesake every year. I can't ever catch all of the little girls, but I can always get one with her! :)




I can't find any of my pictures from 2011 :( 

2012 - the year Iman asked her to be our flower girl! 

2. Do you celebrate the holiday in style or is Bah-Humbug for you?

I like to think I take a medium fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach. I feel like the holidays always sneak up on me! I always WANT to be in style and have decorations but things always end up semi-decorated

3. Are you leaving anything out for Santa Claus this year so he remembers to leave your presents?

I don't think so :) We don't have any little kids in the house so there's no Santa Claus magic at our house - we don't even have a chimney! But, I love seeing and helping out with all of the littles in my family. One of my cousins is always sure to kick us out by midnight because SANTA IS COMING. 
4. What is the one gift you are most looking forward to GIVING? {It can be to your kids, another family member, etc – remember to be discreet if they read your blog.}
I am super looking forward to giving my momma her gift this year. She doesn't think she's getting anything really, and it's nothing big. It's just special. My mom takes such great care of us and goes above and beyond than what she needs to, I can't wait to be able to pamper her instead. 
5. What is your all-time favorite Christmas movie? 
Love Actually! You can see my post about that here
6. What is your all-time favorite Christmas song?
Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses is my all time favorite Christmas song! 

One year for Christmas I actually wrote "I think I'll miss this one this year" on wrapping paper pinned to the back of my "Merry Christmas" shirt. Of course, I can't find the photo now, but that was little outrageous 15 year old me :P
Closely behind is Mariah's All I Want For Christmas is You! 
7. If given the opportunity, would you participate in an “Ugly Sweater” party and what sweater would you wear? Peruse one on the Internet or even if your own closet and show us!
I love Ugly Sweater parties!! Here's me at the one I hosted in 2010 :) 

And here's my dream sweater! (Cats galore!)
Via Pinterest

8. Have you started any Christmas traditions this year that you plan on carrying forward?
We think we are, but then it might be a little difficult to do in coming years. We're going to Vegas for Christmas with my dad. We're going the 22-24 and my dad wants to do it every year. Which would be awesome, except when I have very small children in the future. 
9. It’s Christmas morning… what does it look like outside where you live?
Either sun is shining OR it's raining. We always hope for the rain!! 
10. You just found yourself standing under the mistletoe… who comes up to give you a kiss first?
My one true love! 

I tag: Paulina, Cassi, Noor, Areeba and Amanda!

Can't wait to see your answers!!!
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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

5 Little Grins Link Up [Week 10]

Well guys, I spent yesterday sick in bed. I had such a bad migraine and body-ache that I could barely string a coherent sentence together! I also fought a fever all day and into last night. So far I feel better, just stuffy today. I took one more day off, just in case. I don't want to get the kids sick.

So, here are my little grins for this week! Thank you so much for linking up with Paulina and Cassi while I was in bed!

5 Little Grins


We'll go ahead and say it: Most people think Mondays suck / are the worst / should die a fire-y death. I'm sure you get the picture.

We've all had our fair share of bad Mondays and bad Tuesdays and just plain ol' bad days. Instead of focusing on the bad, what if we focused on the good things?

What if we focused on the little things that made us smile today, yesterday, last week? Could our whole attitude change? In time, would we find that we're having more good days than bad?

Cassandra, Paulina and I would love for you to join us on our weekly link up counting at least 5 things that made you smile in the last week. We could start our Mondays on this positive note!

Of course, this is all about encouragement, so hop on over to some other blogs and leave a positive note and make a new friend!
The Rules! (These are really just kind suggestions)

1. Follow your hosts: Cassandra, Raewyn, and Paulina!

2. Link up your post that includes 5-ish things that made you smile in the past week

3. Comment after you link up

4. Go visit some other blogs and make some friends!

5. Have fun, and don't forget to smile!!

This is what made me grin this past week!! 

1. Christmas goodies!! I love all of the Christmas cards we've been getting and the gifts I got in the mail for my family :)

2. We got our Christmas tree!! Our house is full of the Christmas spirit :) It is wonderful!! 

3. Rekindling a friendship with my friend Erykka! We've always been close but rarely got to see each other. Now we live close so we made a BFF contract the other day ;) 

4. Vegas on Sunday!!!!

5. Iman cooked me dinner last night since I was sick!! I just adore him so :) 

What made you smile this week? 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Big Chill 2013

Sometimes I like to make really cryptic titles that make no sense. It's like a revolt against the journalist in me. I do this with photo albums on FB mostly. I try to make it all funny or fancy, like the one time I made a fall album called [Fall]ing Together, and somehow that's when Iman and I started dating.

Crazy. Crazy, I tell you!

Anyway, this post isn't really about the cold. It's sort of to make fun of California but mostly to give you weekly post recap, with some photos!

Monday: We had another fun 5 Little Grins! I must confess..mine were mostly wedding related

Tuesday: I can't get enough of music and shared a couple of my favorite songs inspiring positivity.

Wednesday: I skipped Wedding Wednesday this week since I talked so much about wedding things on Monday. Instead, I linked up for Christmas is in the Air and shared my holiday movies.

Thursday: I used to be so outrageous until I became an adult.

Friday: Check out my awesome Warrior Princess sponsors and don't miss out on your change for 60% off ad space!

Yep, it got "cold" in Cali...

Tea Drinkers Unite! 

I was beyond excited to get this t-shirt. There's only a week left to purchase her next t-shirt, too. 

Another pic of the bridesmaids and I :)

I had too many mimosas at Sunday Football

Flashback to my pink hair days 

*cute moment alert* I found the wording I used to ask Iman to Winter Formal in 2007 :)
Hope you all had an awesome week! I'm not sure what I'm doing today, but that just might be the wonderful break I needed.

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Vlog Like a Boss - I Have Weird Allergies

So everyone has been bugging me to do a vlog again. But, like before, whenever I would make my posts not that personal they were hard to do. So before my posts were pretty much about raising awareness and being an amazing person and this one is about my weird allergies...but I did it!

Maybe next week my vlog will be more interesting. But I am definitely linking up with Always Ashten for Vlog Like a Boss :)

Do it, too!
Always Ashten

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

Warrior Princess Sponsor Love

Today, I am feeling ambitious! After I post this I am planning on taking two workout classes. TWO in one day. I might die. I also might have an amazing amount of endorphins. And afterward, I'm going to reward myself with pizza...just because Iman offered and I never get guys don't even know. When your fiance is a general manager of a Papa John's you have to beg for pizza.

On Tuesday, after my workout class he had tried to surprise me with a pizza, but I didn't know. So I innocently drove home and he called JUST as I was getting off the freeway by our house. So I made him promise he'd make me one today.

Tonight, is my first work Christmas party in LA. Woo hoo! Boo to traffic. So I'm going to be running around today. I definitely want to share this blog love though and introduce you to my amazing Warrior Princess sponsors this month.

These ladies are amazing and I have loved getting to know them!

Hello! My name is Stacia and I blog over at The Homey Owl. I married my husband Michael this past May and we live in a cute little apartment with our crazy cat, Maximus. On my blog I share peaks into our funny lives, yummy recipes, diy projects, and the occasional fashion-y post. I like to think of it as a minorly eclectic, but always honest and warm, corner of the internet. I am thrilled to be here on Warrior Queen, and find it slightly tongue in cheek because Michael often refers to me as his warrior maiden. When I'm not blogging my heart out, I am a wedding planner, rain dancer, Doctor Who nerd, friend encourager, perpetual hair dyer, and inspiration seeker. I hope you stop by and stay for a while!
Find Me Here:

[We were pretty much destined to be friends by the warrior maiden reference. just saying!]

After my husband and I got married and moved 10+ hours away from everyone and everything we ever knew, I started a blog to keep people back home in the loop of our life. Since then my blog has grown into so much more than that! I love the community and the hobby that it has become. Pearson (my husband) and I graduated from Harding University (mascot = Bisons) and now Pearson is in grad school at The Ohio State University (mascot = Buckeyes). Hence the title "From Bisons to Buckeyes and Beyond."
Find Me Here:
Blog - Bloglovin - Facebook Twitter - Instagram

Hi! My name is Sarah and I blog at Oh, the things I think. I am a vintage-dress-loving Kiwi who lives in Houston, Texas with my sweet husband. I like to share my stories of life as an expat, adventures in thrifting, crafting ideas and my learning curve with photography.
Find Me Here:

Find Me Here:

Find Me Here:

So head on over and say hello to these wonderful ladies!! 

For this weekend only, I will also be offering 60% off of the Warrior Princess ad with code PRINCESS. Head on over to my sponsor page, and get yourself on my side bar for the new year! We've got so many exciting things to come! 

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Check out one of our featured Warrior Queens:

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